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You must stay up in the tree!" chattered Mrs. Monkey, as she jumped out of the house. She had been inside shaking up the piles of leaves that were the beds for her family. "We we thought the tiger was gone," said Mappo, who was trembling because he was so frightened. "But he wasn't," said Bumpo, shivering. "No, he was right there," added Jacko, looking around.

"It differs only in appearance, I fear," remarked the Captain, after inspecting it gingerly, "from other presents they give us. Its object is undoubtedly nefarious. Where do you propose to blow it up?" "In that little quarry near the Ritz. Will that do all right?" "Most excellently." With a smile he looked at his watch. "Just set your watch by mine, Jacko and poop it off at 10.5 ak emma.

I returned on deck, an hour afterwards, holding little Jacko in my arms, who was surfeited with coffee, marmalade, fish, and egg, even to lethargy. It was ten o'clock.

At last he managed to tear a hole in the skin, into which he inserted his black nose, and greedily devoured the contents. Despite his caution, however, I noticed that Jacko kept scratching his hands pretty steadily for some time afterwards. As we advanced into the hills the roads became unimaginably bad.

Two or three of the company had been invited to bring their children, and just at this time Minnie returned with her young friends, having introduced them to Jacko and her other pets. The little girls gathered eagerly around Mrs. Lee, begging her to make Poll talk to them. "Perhaps you would like to play a game of hide-and-seek with her," cried Minnie; "she plays that real nice."

Don't do that!" urged Minnie, almost crying. "But I mean to make them good friends," responded the lad. "Here, you take hold of the chain, and I will coax the dog to be quiet while I put Jacko on his back." This was not so easy as he had supposed; for no amount of coaxing or flattery would induce Leo to be impressed into this service.

About sixty miles from Christiania, at the mouth of the Fiord, a fine, light air sprung up, and, delighted with the expectation that we should reach Larvig before set of sun on Wednesday, we amused ourselves by firing at bottles thrown into the sea, and afterwards by watching the gambols of Sailor and Jacko.

The man was much frightened, but presently recovered himself, and returned the insult by saying, "Sir, that's a dog! It's the rule that no dog can go in the cars without being paid for." It was all in vain that the captain tried to convince him that Jacko was not a dog, but a monkey. He even took him out of the bag; but in the face of this evidence, the man would persist in saying,

That year I had a large number of hens, and Jacko went about among them with the most perfect indifference, never looking on them to lust after them, as I could see, and never touching an egg or a feather. So excellent was his reputation that I would have trusted him in the hen-roost in the dark without counting the hens.

On the evening of the second day after the capture of Jacko, as the canoe was descending the river and drawing near to the sea-coast, much to the delight of everyone for the heat of the interior had begun to grow unbearable a ship's boat was observed moored to the wharf near the slave-station which they had passed on the way up.