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Mo-sar commanded a goodly following and these quickly surrounded him and Bu-lot, but there were many knives against them and now Ja-don pressed forward through those who confronted the pretender. "Take them both!" he shouted. "The warriors of Pal-ul-don will choose their own king after the assassin of Ko-tan has paid the penalty of his treachery."

There were two at least left within the enclosure whose hearts leaped with involuntary elation at the success of the ape-man's maneuver, and one of them smiled openly. This was Ja-don, and the other, Pan-at-lee.

"And Ko-tan?" she asked, a shudder passing through her slender frame. "There are ceremonies," explained Ja-don, "that may occupy several days before you become queen, and one of them may be difficult of arrangement." He laughed, then. "What?" she asked. "Only the high priest may perform the marriage ceremony for a king," he explained. "Delay!" she murmured; "blessed delay!"

"Yes, master," replied the priest, and so it was that a lone warrior set out from A-lur and made his way northwest in the direction of Ja-lur. The gorge next above Kor-ul-ja is uninhabited and here the wily Ja-don had chosen to mobilize his army for its descent upon A-lur.

I and my warriors lay our foreheads upon the feet of Dor-ul-Otho and pray that he will aid us in our righteous fight with Lu-don, the high priest." "You have not defeated him yet?" asked Tarzan. "Why I thought you would be king of Pal-ul-don long before this." "No," replied Ja-don.

"He told you then that Ja-don must not pass with the stranger?" "No but " "Then let them pass, for they are three to two and will pass anyway we have done our best." Grumbling, the priest stepped aside. "Lu-don will exact an accounting," he cried angrily. Ja-don turned upon him. "And get it when and where he will," he snapped.

"That he told me himself and surely that were honorable treatment from one who might make you a slave." "Why, then, would he make me queen?" she asked. Ja-don came closer as though in fear his words might be overheard. "He believes, although he did not tell me so in fact, that you are of the race of gods. And why not?

The former would have halted Ja-don when they saw who it was that accompanied him for well known throughout the temple was the quarrel between king and high priest for possession of this beautiful stranger. "Only by order of Lu-don may she pass," said one, placing himself directly in front of Jane Clayton, barring her progress.

But Lu-don could still use him and so he let him live and sent word to him to come to A-lur with all his warriors, for it was rumored that Ja-don was raising a great army in the north and might soon march upon the City of Light. Obergatz thoroughly enjoyed being a god.

They were brave men but under the circumstances they were helpless and so they fell back the way they had come, and when they reached the narrow confines of the smaller passageway their safety was assured since only one foeman could attack them at a time. But their plans were frustrated and possibly also their entire cause lost, so heavily had Ja-don banked upon the success of their venture.