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There are no italics that will give you an idea of the peculiar emphasis which the boy put on the pronouns. Sallie understood; that "he" could mean but one person in the world. But her brother must have answered the look on her face, for she spoke no word. "Sometimes they do, Sallie. There was old Pete, you know."

One cannot refrain from italics: the way was so easy; it was only to take a little less of this important care about the lime, to have a better confidence, to be more impatient and eager, and all had been well: not to do a virtue of omission. This is not a matter of art-criticism. It is an ethical question hitherto unstudied.

But considering that the government itself said in dispatch No. 70, September 25, 1869, "The President does not deny, on the contrary he maintains, that every sovereign power decides for itself on its responsibility whether or not it will, at a given time, accord the status of belligerency," etc., it was hardly worth while to use italics about Mr.

We had a meeting of the A.V.I.S. last Friday night and found that we had plenty of money subscribed to paint the hall and shingle the roof too. MOST people gave very liberally, Mr. Harrison." Anne was a sweet-souled lass, but she could instill some venom into innocent italics when occasion required. "What color are you going to have it?" "We have decided on a very pretty green.

In their leisurely itineraries they at last met in front of a small bronze copy of a Roman horse marked with italics in Gard's guide book. The other looked, too, as if he wanted to speak, and his cheerful countenance invited Kirtley's readiness to visit with someone. The stranger was in appearance a prosperous man of about thirty-five, blond, with a very small curling mustache under a small nose.

She spoke of her situation, and her manner was quite delightful." The sentence in italics opens our eyes to one of the difficulties of the Duchess to which we might not otherwise have given much consideration.

In the following POEM, the name or number of the Class or Order of each plant is printed in italics; as "Two brother swains." "One House contains them." and the word "secret" expresses the Class of Clandestine Marriage. ELMSGREEN, with the plates and references from the Philosophia Botannica of LINNEUS.

When the frigates "Phoebe" and "Amazon" were ordered to cruise before Toulon in October, 1804, "Lord Nelson gave Captains Capel and Parker several injunctions, in case they should get an opportunity of attacking two of the French frigates, which now got under way more frequently. Author's italics. Author's italics. "Rank" doubtless is meant by this singularly ill-chosen word.

The italics are mine. 'The demand for clothing is so huge that it is hopeless to think that the private charity of England and Colonial working parties combined can effectually cope with it. The Government recognise that they must provide necessary clothes, and I think we all agree that, having brought these people into this position, it is their duty to do so.

And then he resorts to italics to emphasise: "In the last analysis the People are always right." And it was that still more typical American, Abraham Lincoln, who declared his equal confidence in the political wisdom of this collective being. "You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."