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Nevertheless, with all these considerations in mind, "I decided," says General Haig, "to proceed with the attack." The italics are mine. There lie before me a Memorandum, by an officer of the General Staff, on the Hindenburg line, drawn up about a month after the capture of the main section of it, and also a German report, made by a German officer in the spring of 1917.

Moreover, in this caveat under section 5, "The Dictionary or Vocabulary," the very first sentence reads: "The dictionary is a complete vocabulary of words alphabetically arranged and regularly numbered, beginning with the letters of the alphabet." The italics are mine.

And, without a body, we are helpless to control or manage it deal with it in any way. We could not know it, though being possibly aware of it." "To be aware, you mean, is not sufficient?" For he noticed the italics Vance made use of. "Too vague, of no value for future use," was the reply. "But once obtain the form, and we have the natural symbol of that particular Power.

It would, of course, have been easy to give references from other authors; but there is an extraordinary family-likeness between the writers of this School, extending down to the very phrasing of their ideas. A Study of Religion, vol. ii., pp. 166, 179. Theology of Civilisation, p. 129. The Rev. Alexander Brown, loc. cit., p. 619; italics ours. Dole, op. cit., p. 101.

Miss Stuart, on her own account, was full of triumph and happiness. Sir Victor had been most devoted, "most devoted" said Trix, in italics, "that is, for him. He danced with me very often, and he spoke several times of you, Dithy, dear. He couldn't understand why you absented yourself from the last party of the season no more can I for that matter.

He sent these verses to Boswell in 1775. Ante ii. 293. "Legitimas faciunt pectora pura preces," be according to the rubrick, but that is your concern; for you know, he is a Presbyterian. In Johnson's Works, i. 167, these lines are given with amendments and additions, mostly made by Johnson, but some, Mr. Croker believes, by Mr. Langton. In the following copy the variations are marked in italics.

Pearsall Smith's book on the English language one admiring reader was pleased to find 'débris' also without italics, although with the retention of the French accent. Perhaps the time is not far distant when the best writers will cease to stigmatize a captured word with the italics which are a badge of servitude and which proclaim that it has not yet been enfranchised into our language.

So situated, Germany is to make payments of money, on a scale and in a manner to be examined in the next chapter. I also omit those which have no special relevance to the German Settlement. The second of the Fourteen Points, which relates to the Freedom of the Seas, is omitted because the Allies did not accept it. Any italics are mine. Part VIII. Annex III. . Part VIII. Annex III. .

The history of Mississippi piloting affords six or seven instances of this sort of martyrdom, and half a hundred instances of escapes from a like fate which came within a second or two of being fatally too late; BUT THERE IS NO INSTANCE OF A PILOT DESERTING HIS POST TO SAVE HIS LIFE WHILE BY REMAINING AND SACRIFICING IT HE MIGHT SECURE OTHER LIVES FROM DESTRUCTION. It is well worth while to set down this noble fact, and well worth while to put it in italics, too.

The writer does not purpose to give an account of these actions, except so far as Rodney himself is concerned. W. Laird Clowes, vol. iii. pp. 520-535. Journals of Sir T. Byam Martin, Navy Records Society, vol. iii. p. 137. The Blockade of Brest, Navy Records Society. Introduction, p. xvi. Author's italics.