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Some have no sex desires at all, some no craving for or attachment to children, some neither of these. It is a question still to be solved whether some of them ought, in the interest of the race, to be encouraged to reproduce themselves. In less individualized primitive society, seclusion, taboo and ignorance coerced them into reproduction.

This deep love of inanimate and animate things becomes individualized in those poems in which every tree, every spring, every bird is described with its own special features.

In this manner the little clouds seem to be individualized, to have wills and souls of their own, and to be going on diverse errands a vast assemblage of self-willed clouds, faring here and there, intent upon purposes hidden in their own breasts.

They told him, in return, that, "if they had his sense, they would not serve any master in the world." The biographies of slaves can hardly be individualized; they belong to the class. We know bare facts; it is only the general experience of human beings in like condition which can clothe them with life. The outlines are certain, the details are inferential.

The Greeks, with their rich imagination and artistic feeling, filled the world with divine figures, well-defined types of Greek character, ideals of Greek thought. Greece alone has constructed a true pantheon, a community of gods all individualized, but all compacted into a family or a body of government.

The individualized self, which I believe to be the only thing properly called self, is a part of the content of the world experienced. So far as 'thoughts' and 'feelings' can be active, their activity terminates in the activity of the body, and only through first arousing its activities can they begin to change those of the rest of the world.

The love I had dreamed of was blotted out from the world, and might never be restored; my heart might be lonely, my life be an exile's. My reason might, at last, give way before the spectres which awed my senses, or the sorrow which stormed my heart. But here at least was a monument of my rational thoughtful Me, of my individualized identity in multiform creation.

Here was beauty in bloom, fresh and alluring from head to narrow, well-booted feet. More than a hint of a fine color sense that vital quality, if fashion, the conventional, is to be refined and individualized into style, the rare more than a hint of color sense showed in the harmony of the pearl gray in the big feather, the pearl gray in the collar of the blouse, and the pearl white of her skin.

"Yes, Miss Polly." "And your shirts?" "Yes, and shoes, and various other things." He smiled. "Why do you have them specially made?" "Beeause they suit me better, and I can afford it." "It's really because you want them individualized for you, isn't it?" "Yes; I suppose so." "Then why do you always get your mental clothes ready-made?" "I don't think I understand, Miss Polly," he said gently.

The momentary action in each figure, all of them being individualized with singular accuracy even as regards the kind of complexion, is incomparable, the tenderness of the harmony astonishing, and the execution of extraordinary delicacy.