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The rumour said that a band of "Indios bravos," whether Apache, Yuta, or Comanche, was not stated, had made their appearance near the settlement, in full war-paint and costume! This of course denoted hostile intentions, and an attack might be expected in some part of the settlement.

On every island there were tracks; and as on the former excursion "el rastro de los Indios" had been the subject of conversation, so in this was "el rastro del tigre." The wooded banks of the great rivers appear to be the favourite haunts of the jaguar; but south of the Plata, I was told that they frequented the reeds bordering lakes: wherever they are, they seem to require water.

Martyr, dec. 2 lib. 7. These marvels disappear, if we examine the recital which Ferdinand Columbus drew up from his father's papers. Munoz, Hist. del Nuevo Mundo volume 1, "El color era baxo como es regular en los Indios, pero mas clara que en las islas reconocidas."

The giant Mexican Juan, for a time quieted by Curly's commands, was now seized upon by some impulse which he could no longer control. He came leaping from behind the wagons, brandishing the long knife with which he had been engaged upon the fallen buffalo. "Indios!" he cried, "Indios!" and what followed of his speech was only incoherent savage babblings.

This frizzled condition may be called woolly, or in somewhat exaggerated refinement in the name may be attributed to the term "wool," all sorts of meanings akin to wool; in every case there is wanting to all the Indios the crinkling of the hair from its exit out of the follicle, whereby would result wide or narrow spiral tubes and the coarse appearance of the so-called "peppercorn."

On seeing that I was alive, a savage-looking fellow lifted his carbine, and was about to give me a quietus on my head with the butt of it, while another threatened to perform the same office for Jose, when a shout, different from any I had before heard, reached my ears. "Los Indios, los Indios! the Indians, the Indians!" cried the brigands; "fly, fly, or we are lost!"

Meanwhile I was picking up information about her people, and acquiring a knowledge of their language, and as I was continually hearing it spoken I was soon able to make myself understood. The Pachatupecs, though heathens and savages, were more civilized than any of the so-called Indios civilizados with whom I had come in contact.

'The Indios were very angry. They brought us no more butterflies, and no more food. And presently, as we went about the camp, or the paths of the forest, the little arrows began to fall in front of us and behind us, though we never saw those who shot at us. "'The little arrows? asked Henkel, heavily. 'I do not understand. Go on. "'There is very little to tell.

This defeat had prevented their invasion of the valley at least for that season, but they had excited fears for the future. Another terror had stirred San Ildefonso of late a threatened revolt of the Tagnos, the Indios mansos, or tame Indians, who formed the majority of the population. Their brethren in several other settlements had risen, and succeeded in casting off the Spanish yoke.

Not only the so-called Indios the ones concerned; the sons of the Spaniards of pure blood or those mixed with Indios as well as the Chinese mestizos are also accused of these superstitions.