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For, whatever might be the ultimate settlement between Independency and Presbyterianism, there was a certain general course of "Reformation" to which meanwhile all were pledged, Independents and Sectaries no less than Presbyterians; and on this course all could advance unanimously, even while battling with each other on the ecclesiastical questions which the Independents desired to keep open.

"Colonel," replied Holdenough, "a negative proves nothing. What signifies, craving your pardon, that you have not seen anything, be it earthly or be it of the other world, to detract from the evidence of a score of people who have? And besides, there is the Demon Nocturnum the being that walketh by night; he has been among these Independents and schismatics last night.

Possibly Baptists and Independents like those whom Tooley Street sent out to enlarge the area of freedom beyond seas still people it; but I cannot say, and for the rest it is much crossed and recrossed by the viaducts of the London and South Eastern Railway, under which we walked the length of the long, dull, noisy thoroughfare. We were going to the church of St.

It was evident to her that he had grasped the significance of her deceit, and was enthusiastic in following it up to the best of his ability. "So," he said to Morton, "you fancy that you can make the independents leave us! Well, you'll learn your mistake presently.

This, I think, might be proved. Not to the Church of England, however, nor to Scottish Presbyterianism, nor to English Puritanism at large, does the honour of the first perception of the full principle of Liberty of Conscience, and its first assertion in English speech, belong. That honour has to be assigned, I believe, to the Independents generally, and to the Baptists in particular.

The more gentle and accommodating temper of Manchester was awed by the superior genius of Cromwell, who gradually acquired the chief control of the army, and offered his protection to the Independents under his command.

H. J. Martyn, who has had a good stay with "the brethren," considering that their fighting weight is pretty heavy, and that some of them were made to "have their way." Frequently Independents are in hot water concerning their pastors. In Preston they are very exemplary in this respect.

Had his head been equal to his heart! but what has been was to be and the dissenting clergy, with a few noble exceptions among the Independents, are not the strong men of the day none know that better than the workmen. The old man's name was Bowyer. The other, Mr.

None now remained in the House of Commons but some forty Independents, who were the tools of the army, and who voted to Cromwell their hearty thanks. "The minority had now become a majority," which is not unusual in revolutionary times, and proceeded to the work, in good earnest, which he had long contemplated.

Other "independents" hardly less lonely, hardly less hated, had electrified their barbed-wire fences, and had hired guards fighting men from the mountains to watch their barns and houses, but such an example the colonel would not follow, though John Burnham pleaded with him, and even Jason dared at last to give him a covert warning, with no hint, however, that the warning was against his own step-father Steve.