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A was reading, Hum established himself on the top of his head just over the middle of his forehead, in the precise place where our young belles have lately worn stuffed humming-birds, making him look as if dressed out for a party. Hum's most favourite perch was the back of the great rocking- chair, which, being covered by a tidy, gave some hold into which he could catch his little claws.

He was but would you rather make an examination first? Or shall I go on?" I smiled at the man's air of vast importance, which discriminated not at all between grave matters and light. With his queer "hum's" and "haw's," his funny little exclamatory noises and quick, jerky manner of speech, he reminded me of a jolly diminutive priest who had just dined well. Never was mortal freer of affectation.

Whereupon Aunt Judy answered that he had not stopped the story in the middle, but at the end, and she was glad he had found out the meaning of her HM ! But No. 6 would not be satisfied, she liked to hear the complete finish up of everything. "Did the 'HUM'S' children ever grow up in the garden, and did they ever see the lob-worm again?"

All the aforesaid dufferdom, therefore, increases the burden of the taxpayer. All those hum's and ha's mean so many pence from the pockets of you, reader, and me. 'The Rebuilding of London' proceeds ruthlessly apace. The humble old houses that dare not scrape the sky are being duly punished for their timidity. Down they come; and in their place are shot up new tenements, quick and high as rockets.

'What does this mean? Richard asked abruptly, handing the letter to his visitor. Keene perused the crabbed writing, and uttered sundry 'Ah's' and 'Hum's. 'Do you know anything about it? Mutimer continued, in a tone between mere annoyance and serious indignation. 'I think I had better tell you what took place last night, said the journalist, with side glances.

If I were rich, thought I, there is a man I would help. When I got to the little one there, she told me how much money the leech Nebsecht had given her, and offered to give it me to save Pentaur; then it passed through my mind that may go to Hum's children, and in return he will let himself be shipped off to Ethiopia.

If I were rich, thought I, there is a man I would help. When I got to the little one there, she told me how much money the leech Nebsecht had given her, and offered to give it me to save Pentaur; then it passed through my mind that may go to Hum's children, and in return he will let himself be shipped off to Ethiopia.

If I were rich, thought I, there is a man I would help. When I got to the little one there, she told me how much money the leech Nebsecht had given her, and offered to give it me to save Pentaur; then it passed through my mind that may go to Hum's children, and in return he will let himself be shipped off to Ethiopia.

'All women are thus. Kim spoke as might have Solomon. 'Before the lamassery was a broad platform, the lama muttered, looping up the well-worn rosary, 'of stone. On that I have left the marks of my feet pacing to and fro with these. He clicked the beads, and began the 'Om mane pudme hum's of his devotion; grateful for the cool, the quiet, and the absence of dust.

I left all secure, as I supposed, at home. While gathering moss on the walls there, I was surprised by a little green humming-bird flying familiarly right towards my face and humming above my head. I called out, "Here is Hum's very brother." But, on returning home, I saw that the door of the room was open, and Hum was gone. Now certainly we gave him up for lost.