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The Gordons, as John Howie says, have all along made no small figure in our best Scottish history, and that because they had always a brow for the best causes of their respective days. As Rutherford also says, the truth kept the causey in the south-west of Scotland largely through the intelligence, the courage, and the true piety of the Gordon house.

And after she had done this it was after she had done it that she began to know, as if doing it let down bars. Now she was knowing. She had wanted to push people aside and reach into the shadows for Howie. She began to see that it was not so she would reach him. It was in being as he had been kind, caring that she could have a sense of him near.

James Howie, to lift the rents, some wanchancy person I suspect John Heatherblutter, the auld gamekeeper, that was out wi' me in the year fifteen fired a shot at him in the gloaming, whereby he was so affrighted, that I may say with Tullius In Catilinam, "Abiit, evasit, erupit, effugit." He fled, sir, as one may say, incontinent to Stirling.

She forgot that the place had ugly red walls and sickly green lights; she could somehow separate herself from harsh voices and smells for she was here to meet Howie! She knew just the part of the house to sit in. Once she had sat where she couldn't see him as he passed from sight! After that she had always come very early. So she had to sit there while other people were coming in.

It had been a relief to the girls in their little factory, and it was being tried out elsewhere. It was even being used a little in one of the big munition plants. Howie was there seeing about it. And while he was there He went in there Howie. There wasn't even anything to carry out. The picture had begun. She had to wait until almost half of it had passed before her moment came.

But, as we are told in John Howie and elsewhere, all these evils and misfortunes were made to work together for good to her through the special grace of God, and through the wise and wistful care of her lifelong friend and minister and correspondent, Samuel Rutherford. Lady Jane Campbell had very remarkable gifts of mind.

Howie doesn't know, no one knows but ourselves, that will make up to you, Larkin. Men eat more than babies." Larkin was greatly excited. He made rapid plans: he would slip his cards under the door to-night; he would present himself at the house the moment it was unlocked in the morning.

'William Gordon was a gentlemen, says John Howie, 'of good parts and endowments; a man devoted to religion and godliness. Unfortunately we do not possess any of the letters young Earlston wrote to Rutherford. I wish we did.

He would tell him if he was going to be an inventor he had better think up some money-making inventions. Howie would laugh and reply that he'd make it all up some day. And at last one of the things he had thought out to make it better for people was really going to make it better for Howie. It was a certain kind of shade for the eyes.

Next moment a hand came round the bend of the tunnel and fired a revolver almost into the explorer's face. Another shot rang out directly after. The devoted Howie, hastening to the rescue, collided sharply with a solid body crawling towards him in the darkness. "Curse you, Howie!" said the voice of Bertie the Badger, with refreshing earnestness. "Get back out of this! Where's your fuse?"