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James Howie, to lift the rents, some wanchancy person I suspect John Heatherblutter, the auld gamekeeper, that was out wi' me in the year fifteen fired a shot at him in the gloaming, whereby he was so affrighted, that I may say with Tullius In Catilinam, "Abiit, evasit, erupit, effugit." He fled, sir, as one may say, incontinent to Stirling.

James Howie, to lift the rents, some wanchancy person I suspect John Heatherblutter, the auld gamekeeper, that was out wi' me in the year fifteen fired a shot at him in the gloaming, whereby he was so affrighted, that I may say with Tullius in Catilinam, ABIIT, EVASIT, ERUPIT, EFFUGIT. He fled, sir, as one may say, incontinent to Stirling.

"Nunc quis patrem decem annorum natus non modo aufert sed tollit nisi veneno?" Varronis Fragmenta, ed. Alexander Riese, p. 216. See the story in Cicero, Pro Cluentio. Pro P. Sulla, 4. "Catilina, si judicatum erit, meridie non lucere, certus erit competitor." Epist. ad Atticum, i. 1. "Hoc tempore Catilinam, competitorem nostrum, defendere cogitamus.

James Howie, to lift the rents, some wanchancy person I suspect John Heatherblutter, the auld gamekeeper, that was out wi' me in the year fifteen fired a shot at him in the gloaming, whereby he was so affrighted, that I may say with Tullius In Catilinam, "Abiit, evasit, erupit, effugit." He fled, sir, as one may say, incontinent to Stirling.

In his gregibus omnes aleatores, omnes adulteri, omnes impuri impudicique versantur. Hi pueri tam lepidi ac delicati non solum amare et amari neque cantare et saltare, sed etiam sicas vibrare et spargere venena didicerunt.... Nudi in conviviis saltare didicerunt." In Catilinam, ii. 10. Compare In Pisonem, 10.

James Howie, to lift the rents, some wanchancy person I suspect John Heatherblutter, the auld gamekeeper, that was out wi' me in the year fifteen fired a shot at him in the gloaming, whereby he was so affrighted, that I may say with Tullius In Catilinam, "Abiit, evasit, erupit, effugit." He fled, sir, as one may say, incontinent to Stirling.