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Can you wonder, therefore, that the watch deteriorated into being a mere toy and ornament?" "How could people be so ridiculous!" exclaimed Christopher with scorn. "It would have been ridiculous had the art of making watches stopped there," McPhearson acquiesced. "But fortunately, if the public was content with such pretty, silly toy affairs, the horologers were not.

Thrice the horologers have looked into the great crystal globe wherein are foretold all happenings to be, and thrice the globe was blank. Yea, though they went a fourth time yet was no vision revealed; and the people's voice is hushed in Babbulkund. Soon the travellers arose and pushed on northwards again, leaving us wondering.

Thrice the horologers have looked into the great crystal globe wherein are foretold all happenings to be, and thrice the globe was blank. Yea, though they went a fourth time yet was no vision revealed; and the people's voice is hushed in Babbulkund. Soon the travellers arose and pushed on northwards again, leaving us wondering.

But the old guild members did not suffer it without a wrench, I can tell you." McPhearson took up a small screwdriver and proceeded to fasten the back on to the clock he held in his hand. "It wasn't all smooth sailing, being a clockmaker in those days," he declared. "What wonder the horologers were jealous of their art?

The early clockmakers came over here from England and Holland precisely as did other adventurous craftsmen. Often they were by trade gold or silversmiths who combined with other arts that of making clocks. As a result, while some of them were skilled horologers others merely turned out clocks as a side issue."

Indeed, there was nothing very appealing or attractive in Peter Henlien's watch. Moreover, since such objects failed to keep good time, what earthly inducement was there for owning one? Nevertheless horologers themselves were not discouraged.

There were shops with Lowland stuffs in them, and over the doors signboards telling of the most curious trades for a Campbell burgh horologers, cordiners, baxters, and such like mechanicks that I felt sure poor Donald had small call for. They might be incomers, but they were thirled to Gillesbeg all the same, as I found later on.