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But he'd his back to me, so I didn't see his full face, only a side of it. He were a man with a thin, greyish beard. Well, he walks past there, not far and then I heard other steps. Then I heard your father's voice, miss and I see the two of 'em meet. They stood, whispering together, for a minute or so then they came back past me, and they went off across the moor towards Hexendale.

Don't be a fool! it'll be known all over the town by now! Come with me and I'll put you where all the police in the county can't find you. But of course, do as you like only, I'm warning you. You haven't a cat's chance if you set foot on that moor. Lord bless you, man! don't they know that there's only two places you could make for Norcaster and Hexendale?

"Hexendale is a valley with a village of the same name in it that lies about five miles away on the other side of the moors," said Avice. "There's another line of railway there this man Mrs. Hamthwaite speaks of could come and go by that."

And I have seen a man about now and then months between, as a rule that I couldn't account for and I believe it's this fellow that was with Harborough." "And you say they went away in the direction of Hexendale?" said Brereton. "Where is Hexendale?" The old woman pointed westward. "Inland," she answered. "Over yonder. Miss there knows Hexendale well enough."

And on the night on which that man Kitely was murdered," concluded the solicitor, "Harborough was with my client from nine o'clock until half-past four in the morning, when he parted with him near Hexendale railway station. Mr. Wraythwaite will swear that." "And fortunately, we have some corroboration," observed Brereton, with a glance at Avice, "for whether Mr.