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The Hermosa had been listed as missing and her owners had been on the point of receiving a check for the insurance on the vessel and her cargo when an Australian steamer brought news of her predicament in Samoa. Her captain sent word that she was resting easily and that he would get her off.

Then the guitar vibrated under the touch of master fingers, and a rich sweet tenor sang to her: "El corazon del amor palpita, Al oir de tu dulce voz, Cuando mi sangre Se pone en agitación, Tu eres la mas hermosa, Tu eres la luz del dia, Tu eres la gloria mia, Tu eres mi dulce bien.

I spoke no Wallachian, she spoke nothing but Wallachian; so our conversation was carried on by my attempting to make myself understood alternately by the Italian, and the Spanish forms of Latin. "Una bella Campagna," said I, as we drove out Orsova. "Bella, bella?" said the lady, evidently puzzled. So I said, "Hermosa."

There must be a dozen different kinds of people who have the run of the base because of their duties. I'm going to keep an eye open to see who goes in and out regularly and Luis Hermosa is going to help." "Luis? How can he help?" "The fire station has a good view of the warehouses. You know how firemen are. When they're not cleaning or making repairs, they like to sit out front.

He himself would be arrested; and once in the Calabozo there was no saying what they would do to him to make him speak. He trusted himself, but he stood up to look round. Near by, Hermosa showed low its white surface as flat as a table, with the slight run of the sea raised by the breeze washing over its edges noisily. The lighter must be sunk at once. He allowed her to drift with her sail aback.

I always thought I'd marry a lord or a rich gentleman coming with a private yacht. Buenas noches, señorita. El hombre ama la muchacha hermosa. Why me? Because you were so foreign from the others. Better not stick here all night like a limpet. This weather makes you dull. Must be getting on for nine by the light. Go home. Too late for Leah, Lily of Killarney. No. Might be still up.

I know how you feel, Rick. It makes you want to lay violent hands on the man responsible." The security officer changed the subject abruptly. "Luis Hermosa wants to see the boy who saved his life, and the one who helped." "You mean the fireman who fell in the propellant?" Scotty asked. "That's the one. He's in the infirmary. Can you both go?" Scotty shrugged. "Sure. If he wants us to.

The infirmary clerk directed them to one of the four rooms in the little base hospital. "Go right in." Luis Hermosa was awake. Rick knew he must be in pain from his burns, which were extensive, but his smile gave no evidence of it. It was a warm smile that demanded a smile in return. "This morning there was no chance to give you my thanks," he greeted them.

Much as this pleased Carmen, it seemed to her that the child's prayers could not be wholly valid unless uttered in Spanish; for Spanish was heaven's own tongue, la lengua de Dios, el idioma de Dios; and she resolved to teach her to say the Salve Maria and the Padre Nuestro in Castilian also, her own favorite prayer to the Virgin, beginning with the words, "Madre santisima, toda dulce y hermosa." . . .

Every spot told an historic tale, extending back into the fabulous ages when Jan and Jannika, the aboriginal giant and giantess, looked over the wall, forty feet high, of what is now the Rue Villa Hermosa, and peered down upon the new settlers who were to turn them out of the country in which they had lived since the deluge. The great solemn Cathedral of St.