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He felt that Hector Roscoe was rushing on his fate. "I advise you to come," he said, "Jim's mad with you already, and he'll lick you worse if you send him a message like that." "He will probably have to take blows, as well as give them," said Hector. "Then I am to tell him what you said?" "Of course." With a look that seemed to say, "Your fate be on your own head!" Bates walked away.

"I was just going to drive Hector into a bad corner, when you came and interrupted us." "You are my superior officer, Leonidas," said Lieutenant-Colonel Hector St. Hilaire, "but remember that this superiority applies only to military rank. I assert now, with all respect to your feelings, that in regard to chess it does not exist, never has and never will." "Opinions, Hector, are opinions.

So ponderous was the mass, that had it struck her, death must have been the consequence of the blow; and Hector and Louis beheld it with fear and amazement, while Catharine regarded it as a proof of Divine mercy and protection from Him in whose hand her safety lay.

"No," he said; "I begin to think I was a fool to come at all." "Perhaps you had poor prospects in New York?" said Hector. "No; my uncle is a rich merchant there. I have some property, also, and he is my guardian." "Did he favor your coming?" "No; he was very much opposed to it."

Forthwith he overtook his brother noble Hector, even as he was on the point to turn him away from the spot where he had dallied with his wife. To him first spake godlike Alexandros: "Sir, in good sooth I have delayed thee in thine haste by my tarrying, and came not rightly as thou badest me."

Did time permit, much might be said about it; for it was once the home of Hector Boethius, praised by the great Erasmus, and in far later times the home, also, of Forbes of Corse and Henry Scougal; and its clergy and people in 1639 refused the "solemn League and Covenant" until it was forced upon them at the point of the sword, and renounced it when the pressure was withdrawn.

As a mountain falcon, swiftest of all birds, swoops down upon some cowering dove the dove flies before him but the falcon with a shrill scream follows close after, resolved to have her even so did Achilles make straight for Hector with all his might, while Hector fled under the Trojan wall as fast as his limbs could take him.

'It got rubbed off against the wall of the room with the hundred-and-one corners, replied Hector demurely. At that they all three laughed; but Hilda at least had tears in her eyes. 'And look at his hair and eyes! exclaimed Harold; 'they are brown now, instead of black, as they used to be. What is the reason of that?

As a serpent of the mountains upon his den awaiteth a man, having fed on evil poisons, and fell wrath hath entered into him, and terribly he glared as he coileth himself about his den, so Hector with courage unquenchable gave not back, leaning his shining shield against a jutting tower.

But when she returned to herself she cried out that now none would defend her little boy, and other children would push him away from feasts, saying, "Out with you; no father of thine is at our table," and his father, Hector, would lie naked at the ships, unclad, unburned, unlamented.