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Here they kept what little store of anything they had some dried fish and venison; a barrel of oat-meal, seldom filled full; a few skins of wild creatures, and powder, ball, and shot. After many fruitless attempts to catch the still fleeting vapour sleep, raising himself at last on his elbow, Hector found that Rob was not by his side.

It delights me to hear this hopeful young nobleman talk with sense and firmness about his plans for improving his estate, and employing the poor. If God and the world spare him, he will be far known as a true Scots lord. December 20. Being a Teind day, I had a little repose. We dined at Hector Macdonald's with William Clerk and some youngsters. Highland hospitality as usual.

In the dim light of the hall he could see their figures and overhear their words. "Next time, little girl?" "Next time be it, Hector." "And nothing can part us?" "Nothing." "In the whole world?" "Nothing." Robert discreetly closed the door. A moment later a thud from without, and the quick footsteps crunching on the snow told him that their visitor had departed.

In the midst of his reverie the pompous servant entered, bringing a letter upon a silver salver. "A letter, sar," he said. "That will do. You can go, Augustus." "Yes, sar." Mr. Newman glanced at the postmark, tore open the letter, read it with a frown, and then, as if he had suddenly formed a resolution, he said: "This letter has helped me to a decision." Hector regarded him with surprise.

"Not quite; but I fancied that he had some intrigue on foot, and I wasn't sorry to help him deceive a woman whom I detested, and who had wronged me." "So you did as he told you?" "Exactly, from beginning to end; everything happened just as Hector had foreseen. The man came along at just ten o'clock, took me for a maid, and gave me the package.

The party frequently took provisions with them, and enjoyed a picnic in some beautiful spot while their horses were hobbled near. On one of these occasions Hector had condescended to accompany them. He and Paul, with Mr Hayward, were walking some little distance from the rest, when Hector, not taking an interest in the conversation of his cousin and the dominie, sauntered away from them.

"That is more reasonable," said Mr. Roscoe, to himself, as he laid down the letter. "Three hundred dollars I consider a fair price. At any rate, I do not propose to pay any more for Hector. I suppose the table is plain enough, but I don't believe in pampering the appetites of boys.

The high-roofed house, the brazen threshold, the polished chest, the silver-studded sword, the purple robes, the tawny oxen, the hollow ships, the tapering oars, the wine-dark sea, the rosy-fingered dawn, the gold-throned morning, Hector of the nodding plume, the white-armed Nausicaa, so in long procession moves the spectacle.

Many a time during his absence Hector Servadac had wondered how his present vicissitudes would end, and he had felt some misgivings as to whether he should ever again set foot upon the island, and see his faithful orderly, so that it was not without emotion that he had approached the coast of the sole remaining fragment of Algerian soil.

I daresay, upon their side, they grudged me extremely the fine company in which I had arrived; and altogether I had soon fallen behind, and stepped stiffly in the rear of all that merriment with my own thoughts. From these I was recalled by one of the officers, Lieutenant Hector Duncansby, a gawky, leering, Highland boy, asking if my name was not "Palfour."