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Then said the Minister to him, "O noble King, give ear to my word and know that the Great King sendeth to thee, desiring thine alliance, and I come to thee seeking and craving the hand of thy daughter, the chaste dame and treasured gem Hayat al-Nufus, in wedlock for his son Ardashir, wherefore, if thou consent to this proposal and accept of him, do thou agree with me for her marriage-portion."

Then he searched Amjad's parcel of dress and found in his pocket a letter in the handwriting of Queen Hayat al-Nufus enclosing also her hair-strings; so he opened and read it and knew that Amjad too had been wronged; whereupon he beat hand upon hand and exclaimed, "There is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great! I have slain my sons unjustly."

Such was the case with the Prince and the Wazir; but as regards Hayat al-Nufus, when she ceased to receive the Prince's letters and messages and when the old woman was absent from her, she rejoiced with joy exceeding and concluded that the young man had returned to his own country.

I told her what thou didst in the matter of repairing the ruined pavilion, and she rejoiceth in this and bestoweth on thee two thousand dinars in requital of thy pains; so take them from the purse-keeperess and kiss the earth before the King's daughter and bless her and wend thy way." Hearing these words he took the gold and kissed the ground before Hayat al-Nufus, calling down blessings on her.

But to-day the river has receded and a broad strip of grass intervenes. One of my best Indian days was that on which Colonel Sir Umar Hayat Khan took us out a-hawking. Sir Umar is himself something of a hawk an impressive figure in his great turban with long streamers, his keen aquiline features and blackest of hair.

The King made at him, to cut him down, but Hayat al-Nufus cast herself on her father and said, "Kill me not him; for he is the son of a great King, lord of all the land in its length and breadth." When the King heard this, he turned to the Chief Wazir, who was a gathering-place of all that is evil, and said to him, "What sayst thou of this matter, O Minister?"

He then folded the scroll and gave it to the old woman, together with two purses of two hundred dinars, which she would have refused, but he conjured her by oath to accept of them. So she took them both and said, "Needs must I bring thee to thy desire, despite the noses of thy foes." Then she repaired to the palace and gave the letter to Hayat al-Nufus who said, "What is this, O my nurse?

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Lady Budur acquainted Hayat al-Nufus with her history and bade her keep it secret, the Princess heard her with extreme wonderment and was moved to pity and prayed Allah to reunite her with her beloved, saying, "Fear nothing, O my sister; but have patience till Allah bring to pass that which must come to pass:" and she began repeating,

She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the bondmaid sent by Hayat al-Nufus made her way to Ardashir and delivered him her lady's message, which when he heard, he wept with sore weeping and said to her, "Know that Hayat al-Nufus is my mistress and that I am her slave and the captive of her love.

The old woman said, "Then write him a letter and give him to know this condition." So Hayat al-Nufus called for pen-case and paper and wrote these couplets, 'Ho, thou heedless of Time and his sore despight! * Ho, thou heart whom hopes of my favours excite! Think O pride-full! would'st win for thyself the skies? * Would'st attain to the moon shining clear and bright?