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It moved in a radiance of ribbons and hand-bills and hand-shakes and smiles; of quickened commerce and sudden intimacy; of sympathy which assumed without presuming and gratitude which promised without soliciting.

With many kisses to Charles, with many hand-shakes from all, she took her departure. The Bishop of Helstonleigh, high and dignified prelate that he was, and she a poor, hard-working barge-woman, took her hand into his, and shook it as heartily as the rest. Mr. Channing went out with her. He was going to say a word of gratitude to the man. The bishop also went out, but he turned the other way.

As if any one in the world would have to tell me who you were! You are your mother all over, child; did you know it? Oh, kiss me, kiss me, my dear, for your mother's sake, and save your hand-shakes for strangers." Virginia, taken utterly by surprise as Mrs. Engle's arms closed warmly about her, grew rosy with pleasure; the dreary loneliness of a long day was gone with a kiss and a hug.

"Welcome aboard," he said, giving us hearty hand-shakes; and without further inspection at that hour we followed him to the cabin, where steaming coffee brought the blood to our hands and feet, and put us in better mood. "So my sister's here," said Roderick, as he filled his cup for the third time. "Yes, last night, no orders," jerked the skipper with his usual brevity.

Fairfax was evidently well known to a number present, for he was being greeted on all sides with hearty hand-shakes, and words of welcome. "Ah, back again, Roger; and what fortune in London?" "A fair price for the crop?" "Is the lad trailing behind ye one o' Monmouth's men?" "Any news, friend, in Parliament? What is the latest on the tax?"

Fortunately for the good Nabob, with more feeling than eloquence, he is obliged to make way for all the others attracted by a dazzling talent, the personality in view; extravagant enthusiasms which, for want of words to express themselves, disappear as they come; the conventional admirations of society, moved by good-will, by a lively desire to please, but of which each word is a douche of cold water; and then the hearty hand-shakes of rivals, of comrades, some very frank, others that communicate to you the weakness of their grasp; the pretentious great booby, at whose idiotic eulogy you must appear to be transported with gladness, and who, lest he should spoil you too much, accompanies it with "a few little reserves," and the other, who, while overwhelming you with compliments, demonstrates to you that you have not learned the first word of your profession; and the excellent busy fellow, who stops just long enough to whisper in your ear "that so-and-so, the famous critic, does not look very pleased."

No man of his age ought to Hush! here he is!" Risler had entered the room, and was walking toward them, distributing hand-shakes all along the benches. There was a moment of embarrassment between the three friends. Risler excused himself as well as he could.

Cabot, who insisted on being beside him, and old Mr. Loughead in front the others of the party merrily following in a large old vehicle of no particular pattern whatever and before anybody could hardly realize it, the train came rushing in, and there were hurried good-bys, and hand-shakes, and they were off Phronsie crying as she held to her, "I wish you were going too, I do, dear Mrs. Higby."

As soon as he reached it, he was eagerly questioned as to who had been playing his pipes the evening before, and when the people heard that it was himself, they were very much surprised. Thereupon, Old Pipes told what had happened to him, and then there was greater wonder, with hearty congratulations and hand-shakes; for Old Pipes was liked by every one.

No man of his age ought to Hush! here he is!" Risler had entered the room, and was walking toward them, distributing hand-shakes all along the benches. There was a moment of embarrassment between the three friends. Risler excused himself as well as he could.