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Moved by her girlish beauty and freshness, he went over and put his arms about her. The girl's mouth was full of hairpins, and she mumbled something he did not understand. He kept his arms about her insistently, and rubbed his chin on her smooth shoulder with a little laugh.

Many of these little shops are so small that their stock-in-trade flows over on to the pavement. The toy shops, the china shops, the cake shops, the shops for women's ribbons and hairpins seem to be trying to turn themselves inside out. Then, when the eye gets accustomed to the darkness, one can see behind them the ranks of the tea-jars of Uji, or layers of dark kimono stuff.

It's the best I've done yet, and it's true, every word." He had drawn from his pocket a paper which he now opened. As he folded it back, Pancha took out her hairpins and shook down her hair. It extended to her shoulders, a thick, curly bush, through which she pulled the comb with short, quick sweeps. "Read that," said the young man and handed her the paper.

Well, what is it? In a low whisper you say "I can't go to bed there; there's a lady in the same car." "Never mind! She has her own bunk, I suppose?" "Yes, but " a long pause "she drops her hairpins on to me!" My laugh makes the man beside us very inquisitive. Never mind, old man!

Esmeralda's going to have the drawing-room papered in yellow, to suit her complexion, and to set the fashion of having little sisters to wait upon you, like pages in old story-books," returned Pixie, with her mouth full of hairpins, and there was a rustle of excitement in the different cubicles. "Esmeralda engaged! You never told us! To a duke. Which duke? How lovely for her!

You and I both heard Tom giving her her orders to break with his son, she sniffling and hunting hairpins over the floor and promising that she would." "Cut it out!" yelled Vandeman, as though some one had pinched him. "I saw nothing of the sort. I heard nothing of the sort. Neither did you."

"I'm afraid we have too little of that, Emma. I know Fanny has. I'm so dog-tired at the end of the day. All I want is to take my hairpins out and go to bed." "And Fanny?" "Oh, I read. I'm free to pick my book friends, at least." "Now, just what do you mean by that, child? It sounds a little bitter."

"There's only three things you can clean a pipe with," he used to remark with a twist of paper in hand. "The best's a feather, the second's a straw, and the third's a girl's hairpin. I never see such a ship. You can't find any of 'em. Last time I came this way I did find hairpins anyway, and found 'em on the floor of the captain's cabin. Regular deposit. Eh?... Feelin' better?"

I remembered how, more than once, I had picked up and restored to Anne a hairpin that had fallen from her glorious hair. Jim and Mary Cayley had often chaffed her about the way she shed her hairpins around. "What sort of hairpins?" I asked. "A curved thing. He showed it me when I bowled him out about them. I know the sort.

"Of course here and there a girl in society does turn out well and rides an elephant or a coronet, of course I mean wears a coronet, though ten to one it jams the hairpins into her head, but mostly daughters are regular hornets, that is, if you're ambitious and mean to keep in society.