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Speak yore little piece. How came yo' here, right now?" "I got lost in the Wind River bad lands this mo'ning, and I been playing hide and go seek with myself ever since." "Where yo' haided for?" "Gimlet Butte." "Huh! That's right funny, too." "Why?" "Because all yo' got to do to reach the butte is to follow this road and yore nose for about three miles."

It was just about this time that old Uncle Billy, with a bridle in one hand and a carriage whip in the other came slowly upon the scene. At the sight of Sally Ann apparently about to assault his mistress the bridle dropped from his hand and with a tight clutch on the carriage whip he covered the intervening space at an amazing speed. "Hi, dar! You li'l woolly haided imp!

They looked as if they might be haided to cut y'u off, and I allow it may be their night to howl. Miss Messiter don't want to be responsible for y'u getting lead poisoning." "Indeed!" Their visitor looked politely interested. "This solicitude for me is very touching. I observe that both of you are carefully blocking me from the bunkhouse in order to prevent another practice-shot.

I meant to ask him for a pardon. I reckon Neil means to live straight from now on. He promised Leroy he would. He's only a wild cow-puncher gone wrong, and now he's haided right he'll pull up and walk the narrow trail." "But can you save him from the penitentiary?" Collins smiled. "He saved me the trouble. Coming through the Canon Del Oro in the night, he ducked. I reckon he's in Mexico now."

"I'd be willing to bet high that there are a good many citizens around here haided straighter for Yuma than Miss Melissy." Without answering, Norris led the way out and stopped only when his arm rested on the fence of the corral. "Nobody can hear us now," he said brusquely, and the ranger got a whiff of his hot whisky breath. "You've put it up to me to make good. All right, I'll do it.

To-night we're rich as that fellow Crocus; anyhow I am, an' you're haided that way. And both of us have cleared our names to boot. Ain't you got any red blood in that big body of yore's?" "I'll drop in to the Delmonico and get a bite, then ride out to the Jackpot." "You will not!" protested the cattleman. "Looky here, Dave. It's a showdown. Have you got anything against me?"