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I have already spoken of throwing to bases to catch runners, and it is unnecessary to say anything further except to again caution against too much of it. A pitcher should throw only when there is a chance of making the put-out. In fielding ground-hits he must exert considerable activity on account of the very short time allowed him.

He also should assist the centre fielder in backing up second base, and to this end run back of the centre fielder when the latter goes in to meet the ball; so that if it passes one, the other will still be there to stop it. He should also back up the centre fielder on all ground-hits to the latter, and on all fly hits to him he should go near so as to quickly recover the ball if it be missed.

The result was that the runner from first trotted safely to second, the runner at third remained there, and everybody laughed except the second baseman. In fielding ground-hits the second baseman, because of his being so far removed from the bat, has a better chance to "judge" a hit.

The same curious fact is seen when an infielder is changed to an out- field position; he finds it impossible, at first, to stop ground-hits, because they seem never to be going to reach him, and he is completely "rattled" by the long wait.

In judging a hit the fielder always takes into consideration the force and direction of the wind with the effect of which he has become familiar in the preliminary practice and the curve which the ball is likely to take if hit by a right-hand batter. In fielding ground-hits he meets the ball quickly, and, where possible to catch the batter at first, he throws there on the fly.

In fielding ground-hits, the same rule applies to the first baseman as to every other fielder; that he should get every hit he possibly can, with the single qualification that he shall avoid interference with other fielders. But as between a possible interference and a failure to go after a ball that should have been stopped, the interference is much to be preferred.