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"You are speaking, you scoundrel!" said Athos, rising upon his elbow, and transfixing Grimaud with his flaming look. Grimaud therefore added nothing to his speech, but contented himself with pointing his index finger in the direction of the hedge, announcing by this gesture the cardinal and his escort. With a single bound the Musketeers were on their feet, and saluted with respect.

Grimaud understood that it was to be a breakfast on the grass, took the basket, packed up the viands, added the bottles, and then took the basket on his arm. "But where are you going to eat my breakfast?" asked the host. "What matter, if you are paid for it?" said Athos, and he threw two pistoles majestically on the table. "Shall I give you the change, my officer?" said the host.

"And what?" Grimaud dictated. "All is ready for to-morrow evening. Keep watch from seven to nine. Have two riding horses ready. We shall descend by the first window in the gallery." "What next?" "Sign your name, my lord." The duke signed. "Now, my lord, give me, if you have not lost it, the ball that which contained the letter." The duke took it from under his pillow and gave it to Grimaud.

Grimaud looked at Raoul with a melancholy air as the young man passed out; observing that his head nearly touched the traverse of the doorway, stroking his white royale, he slowly murmured: "How he has grown!"

"Alas!" said Charles; and then addressing Grimaud, whose penetrating and intelligent eyes seemed to search and divine his thoughts. "My friend," said he, "does your master, Monsieur le Comte de la Fere, live in this neighborhood?" "There," replied Grimaud, pointing with his outstretched arm to the white-and-red house behind the gate. "And is Monsieur le Comte de la Fere at home at present?"

When once in the saddle Grimaud reflected on two things; first, that at the pace he was going his horse would not carry him ten miles, and secondly, that he had no money. But Grimaud's ingenuity was more prolific than his speech, and therefore at the first halt he sold his steed and with the money obtained from the purchase took post horses. On the Eve of Battle.

But his confidence in Grimaud, whose petty persecutions he now perceived were only a blind, increased, and he conceived the highest opinion of his intellect and resolved to trust entirely to his guidance. In which the Contents of the Pates made by the Successor of Father Marteau are described.

"Well!" cried D'Artagnan, "since he is gone towards Paris, that is all I wanted to know! you should have told me so at first, booby! He is then two hours in advance?" "Yes, monsieur." "I shall soon overtake him. Is he alone?" "No, monsieur." "Who is with him, then?" "A gentleman whom I don't know, an old man, and M. Grimaud." "Such a party cannot travel as fast as I can I will start."

Four shots replied to them almost instantaneously, but much better aimed than those of the aggressors; three soldiers fell dead, and one of the pioneers was wounded. "Grimaud," said Athos, still on the breach, "another musket!" Grimaud immediately obeyed. On their part, the three friends had reloaded their arms; a second discharge followed the first.

"It is clear," said Grimaud, "that if the comte is in the carriage, either he is set at liberty or they are taking him to another prison." "We shall soon see that by the road he takes," answered Porthos. "If he is set at liberty," said Grimaud, "they will conduct him home." "True," rejoined Porthos.