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If I grant Stella such broad privileges with Arnault, she must admit mine with one of whom it would be absurd to be jealous;" and, with cogitations like the above, he also pretended to read his paper, and finished his cigar. Graydon dreaded embarrassment when meeting Madge at dinner, but was agreeably disappointed.

He must appear to the world to have won her in fair competition with all others, and the girl had an instinctive knowledge of this fact. The events of the previous day, with her father's note, therefore confirmed her purpose to keep both men in abeyance until the scale should turn. As we have seen, Madge could not resume her old relations with Graydon Muir.

Her mind was quite incapable of grasping the full import of his words the words she had craved for so many months, and yet dreaded. "I knew he was coming here to-night. He gives a theatre party. To-morrow he goes abroad. That is all." "He's living in Paris," muttered Graydon mechanically. Jane spoke for the first time, as in a daze. "I I have seen him many times in Paris. My father?

Knowing Graydon to be the son of a scoundrel, she could, under ordinary circumstances, have forbidden her daughter to marry him. In this instance she could not say him nay. The venom of James Bansemer in that event would have no measure of pity. In her heart, she prayed that death might come to her aid in the destruction of James Bansemer.

But the lady in question was putting forth all her resources, which were not slight when enlisted in her own behalf, to keep the two men in statu quo until more time, with its chances, should pass. Arnault smiled grimly when he saw her departing with Graydon.

I want to serve my time and start all over again. Don't worry about me. I won't hamper you. I'll go away abroad, as Harbert suggested. Damn him, his advice was good, after all. Understand, Graydon, I do not want parole or pardon. You must not undertake it. I am guilty and I ought to be punished the same as these other fellows in here. Don't shudder. It's true. I'm no better than they."

Won't you wait for me? It won't be long. We can be married in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Cable are to meet you. Tell them, dearest, that you want to go home with me. The home won't be in Chicago; but it will be home just the same." "Dear Graydon, I am sorry I am heartsick. But I cannot I dare not." Graydon Bansemer was a man as well as a lover.

She could be perfectly polite, yet as repellent as ice, or she could smile with a fascination that even Madge felt would be hard to resist. This girl, who was such an immense contrast to herself, wholly fixed her attention as she stood for a few moments, like a queen, surrounded by her courtiers. Graydon had gone for a glass of water, and meeting a friend had been detained for a brief space.

They had been on the eve of ruin so many times, that the cry of "wolf" was not so alarming as formerly. "I suppose I must decide before this week is over," she thought. "Arnault has practically given me this length of time, and I shall take him at his word." Therefore, she was very sweet to him during the morning hours, and prepared him to submit to her drive with Graydon in the afternoon.

Henry Muir did not say much, but looked a great deal, and with Graydon listened attentively as his wife explained how it was that Madge had proved equal to the emergency. "Why don't more people follow her example?" said the practical man, "and learn how to do something definite? As she explains the rescue, there was nothing remarkable in it.