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These, I was told, were of material taken from the ruins of the ancient city which, once, had stood upon the site of the present town. The name of the town, translated from the Abyssinian, is New Gondar.

I told Gondar to wait for me, and the matter was soon settled and the bailiff sent away, and I told the five girls that they might take their ease for twenty-four hours more. I informed Gondar of the steps I had taken, and told him to go out and get a good dinner for eight people.

Theodore's Proceedings during our Stay at Magdala His Treatment of Begemder A Rebellion breaks out Forced March on Gondar The Churches are Plundered and Burnt Theodore's Cruelties The Insurgents increase in Strength The Designs of the Emperor on Kourata Frustrated Mr. Bardel Betrays the New Workmen Theodore's Ingratitude towards the "Gaffat People" His Raid on Foggara Unsuccessful.

Here cotton is being loaded on donkeys, and will soon find its way to Tschelga and Gondar; here some fat Nubian girls, redolent with rancid castor-oil flowing from their woolly heads down their necks and shoulders, issue grinning from a Frank's store, holding in their hands red and yellow kerchiefs, the long-desired object of their dreams.

He loved camp life, the free breeze of the plains, the sight of his army gracefully encamped around the hillock he had selected for himself; and he preferred to the palace the Portuguese had erected at Gondar for a more sedentary king, the delights of roaming about incognito during the beautiful cool nights of Abyssinia.

We could converse with our captors only through the medium of interpreters who spoke both Chinese and Abyssinian. But there were many of these, and shortly after we reached the city I persuaded one of them to carry a verbal message to the officer who had commanded the troops during the return from New Gondar, asking that I might be given a hearing by some high official.

"Will you kindly give me my two hundred ounces," said I, "for, of course, Gondar told you that I was out of it?" "I confess myself indebted to you for that amount, as you absolutely insist, but pray tell me why you refuse to be interested in the bank when I am dealing." "Because I have no confidence in your luck." "You must see that your words are capable of a very unpleasant interpretation."

This was no doubt the result of a conference of the most secret kind, for I heard nothing of it from Gondar. She came to see my by herself in a sedan-chair, and I decided on seeing her. I was taking my chocolate and I let her come in without rising or offering her any breakfast.

But his insatiate fury demanded fresh victims. Where were the young girls who had welcomed his entrance. Was it not their joyous shouts that had scared away the rebel? "Let them be brought!" cried the fiend, and these young girls were thrown alive into the fire! The expedition had been successful; Gondar was utterly destroyed. Four inferior churches only had escaped destruction.

There is no question of bargaining; all I want to know is whether you think you have a right to insult me, and that I am going to bear it?" "If you think yourself insulted, I may, perhaps, confess I was wrong; but I confess I did not think I should have to listen to any reproaches from you. Gondar is one of your intimate friends, and this is not the first proposal he has taken to you.