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He took out as he spoke a handful of loose change copper, silver and two or three gold-pieces and a roll of bills a good deal damp, and put it all into my apron. I counted the money and found there were seventy-five dollars. Strong indeed must have been the attraction which had brought the old man away from the tavern-fire in his sober senses with such a sum of money in his pocket.

The young cashier, who had paid out to her through the little brass guichet many tens of thousands of pretty white notes and gold-pieces, informed her that he could not give her any money.

The wall closed with a loud crash of the stones as they came together, and Sylvestre Ker saw that he was surrounded by an enormous heap of gold-pieces, as high as his waist, which gently floated, singing the symphony of riches. All around him was gold, and through the gap in the roof the shower of gold fell, and fell, and fell. "Am I the master of all this?" asked Sylvestre Ker.

Every year since, I have received a thousand gold-pieces; and although I rejoice to know that unfortunate man to be noble, yet he cannot relieve me of the sorrow of my soul, for the terrible picture of the murdered Bianca is continually on my mind. After a prosperous, but to me very wearisome, voyage, we came at last into port.

"And why should he be still?" asked Cousrouf, in cold, cutting tones. "He is merely telling a story learned from the scha-er. You know, tschorbadji, it is customary to pay story-tellers, and give them a piaster. Here, take your pay, you little scha-er." The pacha drew from his silken purse, filled with gold-pieces, a ducat, and threw it at the boy's feet.

Over the end of his cigar Peter squinted at the great heap of mother-of-pearl counters and gold-pieces and bank-notes. "You will pay me double what is on the table," he said, "or you quit owing me nothing." The prince nodded. "Go ahead," said Peter. The prince dealt them each a hand and discarded two cards. Peter held a seven, a pair of kings, and a pair of fours.

He put his hand in his pocket, and drew forth a large strongly stitched bag of stout Cordovan leather, with a couple of strings to match, and presented it to me. I seized it took out ten gold-pieces, then ten more, and this I repeated again and again. Instantly I held out my hand to him. "Done," said I; "the bargain is made: my shadow for the purse."

I regret to say that I wooed her so vigorously that I shook off any gold-pieces she may have had clinging about her so I can only be sure of the golden quality of her character which I have just discovered by biting it." Amid general laughter they all began to read their fortunes.

So she sprang out of bed, and, taking her broom in her hand, she swept the dust away; and lo! under the rug lay twelve shining gold-pieces, as round and as bright as the moon. "Oh! oh! oh!" cried Minnie, in great surprise; and all the little dwarfs came running to see what was the matter.

The man shook his head feebly, and pointed again to the gold-pieces. "Take them, David, hide them," he chattered with pale lips. Almost impatiently the boy began picking up the money and tucking it into his pockets. "But, father, I'm not going without you," he declared stoutly, as the last bit of gold slipped out of sight, and a horse and wagon rattled around the turn of the road above.