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If I leave on these black tails round the caps, at a little distance it will look like hair. Then, if you like, I can make two summer caps to put on when we land to buy anything." "Very well, Luka, I think the idea is a good one. The people do wear their hair long, and our close crops might excite attention. This is better than gold-digging at Kara, isn't it?" Luka nodded.

Whether he had been sitting to any painter as a frontispiece for a new edition of 'Sartor Resartus; whether 'the husk or shell of him, as the esteemed Herr Teufelsdroch might put it, were founded on a jockey, on a circus, on General Garibaldi, on cheap porcelain, on a toy shop, on Guy Fawkes, on waxwork, on gold-digging, on Bedlam, or on all, were doubts that greatly exercised my mind.

There were few things he took up that he could not make a show at apparently, except gold-digging, and at that he was the veriest duffer alive.

A report brought desperados together from every quarter of the earth; they stole pieces of land, robbed each other of gold, and finally gambled it away, as robbers do. But today! What is gold-digging like in the Transvaal today?

Most of the settlers in Otago were Scotchmen, and as there are no better colonists anywhere, its prosperity had attained to a very flourishing height. Gold-digging had also broken out at the foot of the Dunstan range, so that Otago held her head quite as high, if not higher, than her neighbour Canterbury.

And now look here, if at any time you get sick of gold-digging, as you very well may, and want to turn your hand to anything else and in a country like that, mind you, with a population pouring in from all parts, there will be big opportunities, if you want capital to start you, just you send a letter to David Willcox, New Orleans, and tell me you have drawn on me for five thousand dollars.

"Oh yes as many as we like. But we must dig first," Hugh replied firmly, lifting his spade as he spoke and planting it upright in the sandy soil. "First we must peg out our claims. There's a good deal of luck about gold-digging, of course, but you'd better look round and choose your own spot."

We talked about soil and grass, and gold-digging, and many other things which came back to one like a revelation as we yarned. He had been to the hospital several times. "The doctors don't say they can cure me," he said, "they say they might, be able to improve my sight and hearing, but it would take a long time anyway, the treatment would improve my general health.

When Master Huckaback came home, he looked at me very sulkily; not only because of my refusal to become a slave to the gold-digging, but also because he regarded me as the cause of a savage broil between Simon Carfax and the men who had cheated him as to his Gwenny.

At all events, as I was going away, he promised to receive me when I got tired of gold-digging, if I would come back to him, and to put me in the way of making my fortune.