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Were the meat on these occasions preserved, it cannot be doubted that it could be imported into England, and sold at a cheaper rate than fresh meat in our metropolitan markets, to the great benefit of the lower-classes. This is a statement well worth being borne in mind by some of those who are at present dazzled with gold-digging wonders.

For in historic times the earth was not known to man. But this modern Jewish migration must proceed in accordance with scientific principles. Not more than forty years ago gold-digging was carried on in an extraordinarily primitive fashion. What adventurous days were those in California!

And then we go on to the journey during which he was hoping "to get some extra sleep"! "At twelve, left for Bendigo, arriving about four o'clock. Was very weary on the journey, and had to turn out two or three times to address the crowds waiting to listen to me on station platforms. "Bendigo is a town of some 30,000 people, entirely made and sustained by the gold-digging industry.

Sure it was, and I'm going to do the same for you, Terry. Damn my eyes if I ain't! And here I been sitting, trimming you! Son, take back the coin. I was sure playing a cheap game and I apologize, man to man." But Terry shook his head. "You won it," he said quietly. "And you'll keep it." "Won nothing. I can call every coin I throw. I was stealing, not gambling. I was gold-digging!

"Now, you know, Doctor Powell, why I was seeking Buffalo Bill, and it is my intention to seek that young girl, tell her all, and give her one-half of the fortune in gold I have found, through her father's maps and directions, in the Grand Cañon." "And then?" "I suppose I shall drift about the world, sir, unknown, leading an aimless life, or, perhaps, return to my gold-digging again."

The travel along here was quiet and easy, and as we had reason to believe that we were in close proximity to the gold mines, we were constantly looking out for them. We found a sort of restaurant on the hillside, where we treated ourselves to sardines and vinegar, coffee and crackers; and a little later we came upon some men actually engaged in gold-digging, the first we had ever seen.

Of course this state of things is modified in different localities by the proximity or absence of mountains, rivers, and sandy plains, and there are various periods throughout the year during which the climate is delightful; but on the whole it is considered bad especially during the rains, when water comes down in such continuous deluges that gold-digging and all other work is much interfered with sometimes stopped altogether.

What precise line of conduct it was generally anticipated that this gold-digging and silver-mining young person would adopt, it would be difficult to say: it is sufficient that the general sentiments regarding her were of a distrustful, if not timorous, nature.

"As to that," he said placably, "I can assure you that the gold-digging has been purely an investment on my part." "But an investment which you should not have made," insisted the president judicially. "If it had not tempted you to the breach of trust, it was still inexpedient most undeniably inexpedient.

He began to see that, as far as the nature of his daily toil was concerned, he worked harder, and was worse off than the poorest navvy who did the dirtiest work in old England! He sighed for more congenial employment, meditated much over the subject, and finally resolved to give up gold-digging.