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Remember what I say Yaqui's a godsend." Then they were all outside in the pale gloom under the trees.

Since their brief talk, the fact of the engagement had been tacitly accepted tacitly ignored. Lance had a positive genius for that sort of thing; and in this case it was a godsend to Roy. "Quite so," he agreed, returning the look. "Well you're in a position to suggest it." "I'm not sure if it would be exactly appreciated. But I'll have a shot at it to-morrow."

He ain't talkin' like a scab, he's only talkin' a tie to your string-piece." "That's so," said Joseph Atkins. Sargent boarded with him, and the board money was a godsend to him, now he was out of work. John Sargent had fixed his own price, and it was an unheard-of one for such simple fare as he had. His weekly dollars kept the whole poor family in food.

They thought Miss Spring charming, when they occasionally met her, but when it came to trapesing about the woods like a gipsy, quite as irresponsible as Peter Champneys himself "Birds of a feather flock together," you know. Claribel Spring was just at that time passing through a Gethsemane of her own, and she needed Peter quite as badly as he needed her. Peter was really a godsend to the girl.

She evidently did not know which godsend to take first. The aboriginal victim being released, she slid half-way towards the May-flies; then one of her eight eyes caught sight of the blue- bottle, and she shot off in that direction, when the hum of the gnat again diverted her; and in the middle of this perplexity, pounce came a young wasp in a violent passion!

The Hottentot drivers and assistants made one mess, the passengers another, while those in command formed a third. Lord was also fortunate in getting transportation with the same train. This opening was looked upon as a Godsend as they not only got up themselves with their tools but had their provisions free. The train consisted of fifteen immensely long covered wagons of the stoutest build.

For freedom, however much it might be embarrassed, however adventurous it might become, was freedom after all a godsend compared with the privations, the gibes, the cruel treatment they had suffered in their prison.

'These two days in bed are a godsend, for I can read all your letters through again. There they are spread out on my sheet! By Jove, little woman, you've treated me jolly well! And now I can pay you back a little. But perhaps you won't mind, dearest, if I don't write anything very long, for I expect I ought to take it easy for a bit I can't think why I should have felt so slack.

Right to hold land, right of property, is disputed, and the conventions convene, and before the vote is taken, dig away in your garden, and spend your earnings as a waif or godsend to all serene and beautiful purposes. Life itself is a bubble and a skepticism, and a sleep within a sleep.

He had led his party after the marauders, and surprised and slaughtered nearly all of them. Returning eastward he had passed through Goshocking, where he learned of the muttering storm rising over the Village of Peace, and had come more out of curiosity than hope to avert misfortune. The advent of so many frontiersmen seemed a godsend to the perplexed and worried missionaries.