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This is his girl, a five years' contract signed yesterday five hundred dollars an opera for a beginner six roles not bad nu?" "Abrahm, you must ask Mr. Ginsberg please to excuse Leon until after his concert " "Shake hands with him, Ginsberg. He's had his hand shook enough in his life, and by kings, to shake it once more with an old bouncer like you!" Mr.

Ginsberg, not unlike his colleague in rotundities, held out a short, a dimpled hand. "It's a proud day," he said, "for me to shake the hands from mine old friend's son and the finest violinist livink to-day. My little daughter " "Yes, yes, Gina. Here, shake hands with him. Leon, they say a voice like a fountain. Gina Berg eh, Ginsberg is how you stage-named her?

This is his girl, a five years' contract signed yesterday five hundred dollars an opera for a beginner six rôles not bad nu?" "Abrahm, you must ask Mr. Ginsberg please to excuse Leon until after his concert " "Shake hands with him, Ginsberg. He's had his hand shook enough in his life, and by kings, too shake it once more with an old bouncer like you!" Mr.

"Leon mamma I got out here an old friend Sol Ginsberg you remember, mamma, from brasses " "Abrahm not now " "Go way with your 'not now! I want Leon should meet him. Sol, this is him a little grown-up from such a Nebich like you remember him nu? Sarah, you remember Sol Ginsberg? Say I should ask you if you remember your right hand? Ginsberg & Esel, the firm.

Ginsberg, not unlike his colleague in rotundities, held out a short, a dimpled hand. "It's a proud day," he said, "for me to shake the hands from mine old friend's son and the finest violinist living to-day. My little daughter " "Yes, yes, Gina. Here shake hands with him. Leon, they say a voice like a fountain. Gina Berg eh, Ginsberg is how you stage-named her?

You remember, mamma, from brasses " "Abrahm not now " "Go 'way with your 'not now'! I want Leon should meet him. Sol, this is him a little grown up from such a nebich like you remember him nu? Sarah, you remember Sol Ginsberg? Say I should ask you if you remember your right hand! Ginsberg & Esel, the firm.

It shone roundly in his face, doubling of chin, in the bulge of waistcoat, heavily gold-chained, and in eyes that behind the gold-rimmed glasses gave sparklingly forth his estate of well-being. "Abrahm, didn't I tell you not to dare to " On excited balls of feet that fairly bounced him, Abrahm Kantor burst in. "Leon mamma I got out here an old friend Sol Ginsberg.

"Abrahm quick get Hancock that first rows of chairs has got to be moved there he is, in the wings see the piano ain't dragged down too far! Leon, got your mute on your pocket? Please Mr. Ginsberg you must excuse Here, Leon, is your glass of water. Drink it, I say. Shut that door out there, boy, so there ain't a draft in the wings. Here, Leon, your violin. Got neckerchief?

The doctrine of the book is not so easily summarized. It is a hard book to interpret. Dr. Ginsberg gives a striking resume of the different theories of its teaching which have been promulgated. There is no room here to enter upon the great question.

It ain't enough that right to-morrow I got a fifty-dollar note over me from Sol Ginsberg; a four-dollar present she wants for a child that don't even know the name of a feedle." "Leon, baby, stop hollering. Papa will go back and get the fiddle for you now before supper. See, mamma's got money here in her waist "