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But even before this mortal offence was given to its mistress, his residence at Glenallan offered few inducements to a gay young man like Edward Geraldin Neville, though its gloom and seclusion seemed to suit the retired and melancholy habits of his elder brother. Lord Geraldin, in the outset of life, had been a young man of accomplishment and hopes.

I was liberally educated, and pushed forward in the army by money and interest; but I believe my supposed father long entertained some ideas of marriage, though he never carried them into effect." "You say your supposed father? What leads you to suppose Mr. Geraldin Neville was not your real father?" "I know, Mr.

"Woman, deceive me not! make me not curse the memory of the parent I have so lately laid in the grave, for sharing in a plot the most cruel, the most infernal" "Bethink ye, my Lord Geraldin, ere ye curse the memory of a parent that's gane, is there none of the blood of Glenallan living, whose faults have led to this dreadfu' catastrophe?" "Mean you my brother? he, too, is gone," said the Earl.

DUCHESS. Thou scarcely art composed e'en now, my daughter. Thou tremblest strongly, and I feel thy heart Beat audibly on mine. THEKLA. Sleep will appease Its beating: now good-night, good-night, dear mother. Butler's Chamber. BUTLER, and MAJOR GERALDIN.

She raised her shrivelled arms, and seemed busied like a woman who puts on her cloak to go abroad, then dropped them slowly and stiffly; and the same idea of a journey still floating apparently through her head, she proceeded, in a hurried and interrupted manner, "Call Miss Neville What do you mean by Lady Geraldin?

The castle-palace is well barred and guarded, That no intelligence of this proceeding May make its way to the duke. Go instantly; Have you yet sent for Captain Devereux And the Macdonald? GERALDIN. They'll be here anon. BUTLER. Here's no room for delay. The citizens Declare for him a dizzy drunken spirit Possesses the whole town.

Geraldin Neville was not my father. We were attacked by the enemy, and driven from the town, which was pillaged with savage ferocity by the republicans. The religious orders were the particular objects of their hate and cruelty.

And werena thae pleasant guests, think ye, to take up their quarters in ae woman's heart? I trow there was routh o' company." "But, cummer," continued the beggar, "it wasna the Countess of Glenallan I meant, but her son, him that was Lord Geraldin." "I mind it now," she said; "I saw him no that langsyne, and we had a heavy speech thegither.

"He who was called William Lord Geraldin," said the Earl; "and whom his mother's death has made Earl of Glenallan."

I was liberally educated, and pushed forward in the army by money and interest; but I believe my supposed father long entertained some ideas of marriage, though he never carried them into effect." "You say your supposed father? What leads you to suppose Mr. Geraldin Neville was not your real father?" "I know, Mr.