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Driven by the false taunts of the countess to believe, as her husband did, the marriage invalid, the unhappy Eveline had thrown herself from the cliffs into the sea, and the child born to her had been kept in concealment in England by her brother, Geraldin Neville.

"Yes, Lord Geraldin, e'en your brother, that some said she aye wished to be her heir. At ony rate, he was the person maist concerned in the succession and heritance of the house of Glenallan." "And is it possible to believe, then, that my brother, out of avarice to grasp at my inheritance, would lend himself to such a base and dreadful stratagem?"

"I hae heard," said the mendicant, taking his cue from what Oldbuck had told him of the family history "I hae heard, cummer, that some ill tongue suld hae come between the Earl, that's Lord Geraldin, and his young bride." "Ill tongue?" she said in hasty alarm; "and what had she to fear frae an ill tongue? she was gude and fair eneugh at least a' body said sae.

Excluded from politics by the incapacities attached to those of his religion, and from all lighter avocationas by choice, Lord Geraldin led a life of the strictest retirement.

I said Eveline Neville, not Lady Geraldin there's no Lady Geraldin; tell her that, and bid her change her wet gown, and no' look sae pale.

And werena thae pleasant guests, think ye, to take up their quarters in ae woman's heart? I trow there was routh o' company." "But, cummer," continued the beggar, "it wasna the Countess of Glenallan I meant, but her son, him that was Lord Geraldin." "I mind it now," she said; "I saw him no that langsyne, and we had a heavy speech thegither.

Edie has been heard to say, "This is a gey bein place, and it's a comfort to hae sic a corner to sit in in a bad day." It is thought, as he grows stiffer in the joints, he will finally settle there. The bounty of such wealthy patrons as Lord and Lady Geraldin flowed copiously upon Mrs. Hadoway and upon the Mucklebackits. By the former it was well employed, by the latter wasted.

Some time before his death he had sent orders that it should be melted down. He perhaps did not wish me to see the Glenallan arms upon it." "Well, Major Neville or let me say, Lovel, being the name in which I rather delight you must, I believe, exchange both of your alias's for the style and title of the Honourable William Geraldin, commonly called Lord Geraldin."

"Removed!" she exclaimed; for that name never failed to produce its usual effect upon her; "then we maun a' follow a' maun ride when she is in the saddle. Tell them to let Lord Geraldin ken we're on before them. Bring my hood and scarf ye wadna hae me gang in the carriage wi' my leddy, and my hair in this fashion?"

"I hae heard," said the mendicant, taking his cue from what Oldbuck had told him of the family history "I hae heard, cummer, that some ill tongue suld hae come between the Earl, that's Lord Geraldin, and his young bride." "Ill tongue?" she said in hasty alarm; "and what had she to fear frae an ill tongue? she was gude and fair eneugh at least a' body said sae.