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"It's a rather old baby by this time," rejoined Putnam, pointing out the date on the wooden slab "Eighteen fifty-one: it would be older than I now if it had kept on." Her eyes fell upon the inscription, and she read it aloud. "Hier ruht in Gott Heinrich Frantz, Geb. Mai 13, 1851. Gest. August 4, 1852. Wir hoffen auf Wiedersehen." She repeated the last words softly over to herself.

No: that was not plain enough. As he could find no successful use for his own name, it flashed into his mind to use hers, geb ; and although it was painful to him to publish this, to him, almost sacred syllable for profane eyes to gaze upon, yet it comforted him, that only one, she herself, would understand it. Yet he hesitated.

But in the next moment it occurred to him, that never to any living soul had he mentioned his bold figure of the high-seat pillars, and still less revealed the mysterious, to him so valued, syllable geb . No doubt could exist: the fine, perfumed paper, the delicate lady handwriting, and the few significant words testified, that the billet which once in youthful, sanguine longing he had entrusted to the winds of heaven, had come to a lady, and that in one way or another she had found him out.

At last, after numerous efforts he stopped at this: " geb ! It is a mistake: he waits only for geb ." It appeared to him to contain the approach to a happy result, and tired out by emotion he fell asleep on his sofa. Some days after came a new letter with the dear handwriting: its contents were: "Well! appear eight days from to-day at Mrs. Canuteson's, to congratulate her upon her birthday."

Geb, Gebrer, Algebra, Gebruderbuh, I am a big fool." "But it is no matter, she shall have an answer," he shouted after a while, and seated himself to write a long, glowing love-letter. When it was finished and read, he tore it in pieces. "No," said he, "if destiny has intended the least thing by acting to me as mail-carrier through the window, let me act reasonably."

The Dukes in Germany being always reigning powers, their sons and daughters are entitled princes and princesses. Carinthia. A town not far from the Mine-mountains, on the high road from Vienna to Prague. In the original, "Den blut'gen Lorbeer geb' ich hin mit Freuden Fuers erste Veilchen, das der Maerz uns bringt, Das duerftige Pfand der neuverjuengten Erde."

"Die Menchen suchen und suchen, wollen immer was Besseres finden.... Gott geb' ihnen nur Geduld!" Men in the Gold Nugget were talking about some claims, staked and recorded in due form, but on which the statutory work had not been done. "What about 'em?" "They're jumpable at midnight." French Charlie invited the Boy to go along, but neither he nor the Colonel felt enthusiastic.

"To the true house-friend, and beloved Irelandish youth. "'Sera nunquam est ad bonos mores via. "WACKERBART, Professor at the Grand-Ducal Kalbsbraten-Pumpernickelisch Gymnasium." Another writes, "'Wander on roses and forget me not. "AMALIA v. "GEB. v. with a flourish, and the picture mayhap of a rose.

One side of the paper was blank; in the left-hand corner of the other side was written "beloved," and a little below it seemed as if there had been a signature, but now there was nothing left excepting the letters "geb." "'Geb, what does that mean?" asked Fritz Bagger, with dark humor. "If it had been gek, I could have understood it, although it were incorrectly written.

In Germany the present practice appears to be single interments, and one inscription only on the stone, and that studiously brief. Eduard Schmidt Geb d. 8 Oct., 1886. Gest d. 10 Jan., 1887. This I copied in the cemetery at Schaffhausen.