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"He can't, plase your honour they're engaged." "Half a crown! a crown! half a guinea!" said Mr. Dennis Garraghty, raising his voice, as he increased his proffered bribe. To each offer Larry replied, "You can't, plase your honour, they're engaged;" and, looking up to the window at Lord Colambre, he said, "As soon as they have ate their oats, you shall have 'em." No other horses were to be had.

'Nick Garraghty, honest old Nick; do you know him, my lord? said Sir Terence. 'Too well, sir. 'Mr. Garraghty, what have you done to offend my son? I did not expect this, said Lord Clonbrony. 'Upon my conscience, my lord, nothing to my knowledge, said Mr.

Garraghty, without saying a word, was picking up the guineas that were scattered upon the floor. 'How fortunate I am, cried Lord Colambre, 'to have arrived just in time to tell you, my dear father, before you put your signature to these papers, before you conclude this bargain, all I know, all I have seen, of that man!

Garraghty leases open on the table before them; a candle lighted; Sir Terence sealing; Garraghty emptying a bag of guineas on the table, and Lord Clonbrony actually with a pen in his hand, ready to sign. As the door opened, Garraghty started back, so that half the contents of his bag rolled upon the floor.

Garraghty died, it was thought, of poverty, a disease to which the Findramore schoolmasters had been always known to be subject. His predecessor, too, was hanged, along with two others, for burning the house of an "Aagint."

"Oh, don't be ashamed there's no strangeness in bringing money or taking it," said Mr. Nicholas Garraghty, holding out his hand. "Is this the proper compliment?" "I hope so, sir: your honour knows best." "Very well," slipping it into his private purse. "Now what's your business?" "The lases to sign the rent's all paid up." "Leases! Why, woman, is the possession given up?"

Garraghty grew pale; his lips quivered; he stammered; and, after a shocking convulsion of face, could at last articulate only 'That there was a great difference between tenant and tenant, his lordship must be sensible, especially for so large a rent. 'As great a difference as between agent and agent, I am sensible especially for so large a property! said Lord Colambre, with cool contempt.

Is not this the rent, sir, at which you were going to let Mr. Garraghty have the land? placing a paper before Lord Clonbrony. 'It is the very thing. 'And here, sir, written with my own hand, are copies of the proposals I saw, from responsible, respectable tenants, offered and refused. Is it so, or is it not, Mr. Garraghty? deny it, if you can. Mr.

Garraghty leases open on the table before them; a candle lighted; Sir Terence sealing; Garraghty emptying a bag of guineas on the table, and Lord Clonbrony actually with a pen in his hand, ready to sign. As the door opened, Garraghty started back, so that half the contents of his bag rolled upon the floor.

Garraghty, giving the pen to his brother; for his hand shook so he could not form a letter. 'Write, then mother, Grace let me, cried Brian, speaking in a smothered voice, as their hands were over his mouth. 'Write then, that, if you'd either of you a character like my mother, you might defy the world; and your word would be as good as your oath. 'OATH! mind that, Dennis, said Mr. Garraghty.