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Rum start this, thinks I: but any how he's flung away a summut, and means to give it me: what can it be? thinks I. Well, neighbours, if I didn't know the chap was mad afore, I was sartain of it now; what do you think of a grown man little enough, truly, but out of long coats too sneaking by night to Pike Island, to count out a little lot of silver, and to guzzle twelve gallipots o' honey?

Rum start this, thinks I: but any how he's flung away a summut, and means to give it me: what can it be? thinks I. Well, neighbours, if I didn't know the chap was mad afore, I was sartain of it now; what do you think of a grown man little enough, truly, but out of long coats too sneaking by night to Pike Island, to count out a little lot of silver, and to guzzle twelve gallipots o' honey?

Then, put it in little wooden boxes or covered gallipots, and rub it on your hands when they are stained, washing them in cold water, and using the acid salt instead of soap; a very small quantity will immediately remove the stain. In applying it to linen or muslin that is spotted with ink or fruit juice, hold the stained part tightly stretched over a cup or bowl of boiling water.

An enterprising druggist bought up the little fat left in the animal after its long winter's fast; and such was the demand among sensational people for gallipots of "grease of the bear that killed Cantin," that it seemed as if fashion had ordained the wearing of hair "on end."

Blanch half a pound of shelled sweet, almonds, and a quarter of a pound of bitter ones, and beat them in a mortar to a smooth paste adding by degrees a jill of rose or orange-flower water. Then beat in, gradually, half a pound of clear strained honey. When the whole is well incorporated, put it into gallipots, pouring on the top of each some orange-flower or rose-water. Keep it closely covered.

Except when called abroad to perform some professional duty, he spent his time at home, although his family observed that he secluded himself in his office, among his books and gallipots, more than had been his wont, and that he sometimes indulged in moods of silent abstraction, which had never been noticed in his manner until of late.

"Gallipots of Galen! no," returned the other; "it is rather the way to invite its assaults." "When does your master talk of putting this fatal design for fatal it will be to him and all his household into execution?" demanded Bottesham. "Very shortly, I believe," replied Blaize.

Mean as the meal was, on the bare board, with its old gallipots for cups, and what not other sordid makeshifts; shabby as the woman was in dress, and toning done towards the Bosjesman colour, with want of nutriment and washing, there was positively a dignity in her, as the family anchor just holding the poor ship-wrecked boilermaker's bark.

The old gallipots and retorts are not anywhere to be seen in the second-story window of the brick schoolhouse. Dr. Bidlow is no more! The trees that seemed so large, the gymnastic feats that were so extraordinary, the boy that made a snapper of his handkerchief, have all lost their greatness and their dread.

When the mixture is melted, put it into a basin, and beat it with two spoonfuls of brandy. Then drain off the brandy, perfume the pomatum by mixing with it any scented essence that you please, and tie it up in gallipots. Take a quarter of a pound of Castile soap, and cut it into small pieces.