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And of course I am forced to classify the Lancet as a plague ship until a bacteriological and virological examination has been completed on both ship and crew. The planet itself will be considered a galactic plague spot until proper measures have been taken to insure its decontamination." The Black Doctor drew some papers from another pocket and turned to Dal Timgar.

Unthinkably distant, yet only days away with the power of the star-drive motors that its people had developed thousands of years before, Garv II was a warm planet, teeming with activity, the trading center of the galaxy and the governmental headquarters of the powerful Galactic Confederation of Worlds.

The last one came after the Second Galactic War but never mind that it happened long ago and isn't important now. The important thing that did happen was the Exodus." "What was that?" "A religious revival and a tremendous desire to see what was happening beyond the next star. During that century men traveled wider and farther then they ever have before or since.

Only a few months ago, while on one of his numerous nationwide lecture tours, a saucer unexpectedly picked Adamski up in Kansas City and took him on a galactic cruise before depositing him at Ft. Madison, Iowa, where he had a lecture date. He "wowed" the packed auditorium with his "proof" an unused Kansas City to Ft. Madison train ticket. But at Buckingham Palace, Mr.

"It is peculiarly fitting that the one who has just been chosen to head the Galactic Council the first person of a race other than one of those of the Central System to prove himself able to wield justly the vast powers of that office should be a direct descendant of two of the revered persons whose deeds of olden times we have just witnessed.

"As a matter of fact, I was offered the directorship of the Galactic space lanes only last week," he said. "Do you know why I refused it?" Tom shook his head. "Because I'm a spaceman, just like yourselves." He looked at Astro. "Cadet Astro, would you take a job with an outfit and give up space to sit behind a desk eight hours a day?" "No, sir!" said Astro emphatically.

One came from the Galactic Confederation headquarters on Garv II; the other was a good clear signal from very close range, unquestionably beamed to them from the planet in distress. They watched as the Confederation report came clacking off the teletype, and they stared at it unbelieving. "It just doesn't make sense," Jack said. "There must be intelligent creatures down there.

Our horizon corresponds, as it were, to the central circle of the Milky Way, which now surrounds us on all sides in a horizontal direction, while the galactic poles are 90 degrees distant from every part of it, as every point of the horizon is 90 degrees from the zenith.

Epilogue The three-dimensional, moving, talking, almost living picture, being shown simultaneously in all the viewing areas throughout the innumerable planets of the Galaxy, faded out and the image of an aged, white-bearded Norlaminian appeared and spoke in the Galactic language.

He wore at his belt not the standard stun gun of a spaceman, but a weapon which resembled the more deadly Patrol blaster, as well as a long knife housed in a jeweled and fringed sheath. To the eye he was an example of barbaric force tamed and trimmed to civilized efficiency. He saluted, palm out, and spoke Galactic Basic with only a suggestion of accent. "I am Kort Asaki.