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Shee saith that shee heard her ant Abigal Wescot say that her seruant gairl Catern Branch was such a lying gairl that not any boddy could belieue one word what shee said and saith that shee heard her ant Abigail Wescot say that shee did not belieue that Mearcy nor goody Miller nor Hannah nor any of these women whome shee had apeacht was any more witches then shee was and that her husband would belieue Catern before he would belieue Mr.

Mark the scent of mimosa she likes flowers, and likes them strong. No clock, of course. Examine the bureau she is obviously always ringing for "the drumstick," and saying: "Where's this, Ellen, and where's that? You naughty gairl, you've been tidying." Cast an eye on that pile of manuscript she has evidently a genius for composition; it flows off her pen like Shakespeare, she never blots a line.

And her mother's voice, warm, and simulating shock: "Phyllis, you awful gairl! Did you ever see such an awful gairl; Mr. " "Pillin, Mother." And then he did not quite know how insulated from the January air by laughter and the scent of fur and violets, he was between them walking to their tram.

"You'll get notice of it in a day or two; ask no questions." "Oh! Guardy! Oh! you dear!" And her gaze rested on Bob Pillin, leaning over the piano, where Phyllis again sat. Old Heythorp snorted. "What are you cultivating that young gaby for? She mustn't be grabbed up by any fool who comes along." Mrs. Larne murmured at once: "Of course, the dear gairl is much too young.

LIDIA PENOIR "A lying gairl" "The testimony of Lidia Penoir.

Nothing so warming had ever happened to him as sitting between them on that drive, so that he forgot the note in his pocket, and his desire to relieve the anxiety of the "old man," his father. At the tram's terminus they all got out. There issued a purr of invitation to come and see them some time; a clear: "Jock'll love to see you!" A low laugh: "You awful gairl!"

Ventnor rubbed his hands: "Ye-es," he said, "just giving up a warm man. Young Pillin's a lucky fellow only son. So you met him at old Mr. Heythorp's. I know him too relation of yours, I believe." "Our dear Guardy such a wonderful man." Mr. Ventnor echoed: "Wonderful regular old Roman." "Oh! but he's so kind!" Mrs. Larne lifted the white stuff: "Look what he's given this naughty gairl!" Mr.

Can't give you a penny now. Poor as a church mouse." "Oh! Guardy "Fact." Mrs. Larne heaved one of her most buoyant sighs. She certainly did not believe him. "Well!" she said; "you'll be sorry when we come round one night and sing for pennies under your window. Wouldn't you like to see Phyllis? I left her in the hall. She's growing such a sweet gairl. Guardy just fifty!" "Not a rap." Mrs.

Monsieur Deville, quickly recovering his habitual gaiety, chirruped: "Have I not said, Mees Hale, to your father that hees gairl sall be safe as ze baby in ze cradle? Have I not keep my word? Ze leetle blow of ze wind, it is all ovair. What we care now for ze boat-wreckair, ze bad robbair? Voila! have we not brush away ze mosquito?

I wish you'd tell me why you're surprised that I should be clever, though you were quite cairtain that he would have chosen a good-looking gairl?" Mrs. Yaverland explained hesitantly, delicately. "Richard has tried to fall in love before, you know. And he has always chosen such stupid women."