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Besides, he never had any success. The others protested. Well, what about the hundred thousand francs' worth of pictures he had sold a year, and his medals and his cross of the Legion of Honour? But Gagniere, still obstinate, smiled with a mysterious air, as if facts could not prevail against his inner conviction. He wagged his head and, full of disdain, replied: 'Let me be!

The Cafe Baudequin was situated on the Boulevard des Batignolles, at the corner of the Rue Darcet. Without the least why or wherefore, it had been selected by the band as their meeting-place, though Gagniere alone lived in the neighbourhood.

At this there was a protest. Gagniere was a bore. Besides, he would turn up as soon as he smelt the soup. 'Let's be off, then, said Sandoz. 'There's a leg of mutton this evening, so let's try to be punctual. Each paid his score, and they all went out. Their departure threw the cafe into a state of emotion.

On the other hand, he did not alter; or, rather, age seemed to rejuvenate him; his complexion became fairer as he grew old. 'Hallo! Why, Gagniere's here! exclaimed Sandoz. Then, just as Gagniere was making up his mind to bow to the ladies, Mahoudeau entered. He had already grown grey, with a sunken, fierce-looking face and childish, blinking eyes.

Claude made a nervous gesture, while Fagerolles repeated phlegmatically: 'Very delicate, very delicate. But your picture, Gagniere, where is it? 'My picture, it is there. In fact, the picture he had sent happened to be very near the little masterpiece.

However, curiosity, the emotion they had derived from all the past things they had been raking up together, induced them to cross the boulevard and to glance into the cafe through the open doorway. They wanted to see their table of yore, on the left hand, right at the back of the room. 'Oh, look! said Sandoz, stupefied. 'Gagniere! muttered Claude.

However, it was the mistress of the house who carved, while the master took his place facing her, against the blockaded sideboard, in order to hand round whatever things might be required. Henriette had placed Claude on her right hand, Mahoudeau on her left, while Gagniere and Jory were seated next to Sandoz. 'Francoise, she called, 'give me the slices of toast. They are on the range.

In the depths of what hole could they have put it? Then, in a fit of affectionate remembrance for the past, he asked anxiously after Gagniere and Dubuche.

They had repaired to the drawing-room once more, and Sandoz, who was greatly distressed, had begun to wish that they would take themselves off, when he noticed Mathilde and Gagniere seated side by side on a sofa and talking languishingly of music, while the others remained exhausted, lacking saliva and power of speech.

He had opened the little window, and seated himself on a level with the roof, for he felt oppressed by the heat in the studio. But all at once he interrupted the architect. 'I say, are you coming to dinner on Thursday? All the other fellows will be there Fagerolles, Mahoudeau, Jory, Gagniere.