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He had thrown a brick at a Sophomore who was trying to catch him and dye his hair the Sophomore colors, and the brick had annihilated one of the city's precious thirty-seven-cent street lights. Petey had gone to the works for ten days, leaving a new dress suit that hadn't been dedicated and unlimited woe among the girls, for he was a Class A fusser. Petey was non-committal about his insanity.

He had made an excellent battalion out of his corps, and as we had alternated with them in the trenches until this turn, we knew their worth. His second in command, Colonel Burland, was also a keen and efficient officer. The commandant of the 14th was not a "fusser." He was always cool and collected and his example permeated his whole staff and officers.

All the rest of Italy, especially to the north of the Apennines, was the battle-field of tyrants, whose title was illegitimate based, that is to say, on no feudal principle, derived in no regular manner from the Empire, but generally held as a gift or extorted as a prize from the predominant parties in the great towns. Chè se non fusser le gran parti in quella, Dominerebbe il mondo Italia bella.

The "fusser" and liar lives even on the battlefield. This story had been told by some runaway to give an excuse for his own cowardice. I sent a message back that this report was untrue. Our telephone lines and telephone station had been blown up by a "coal box," so we had to depend upon runners to get messages through. One of these, Pte.

"Makes me think," he said, "that if there wasn't quite so much diplomacy about on the part of those of us who reckon we know everything, you young uns would get a far better chance. Speaking as one who's been a fusser all my life, that's my candid opinion." "If you interfered, Mr. Trew, you would interfere wisely." He emptied his glass in one drink, and set it upon the mantelpiece.

Ralph, Durand and Jean had gone forward to the wheel to watch the little pilot's work, Durand's expressive face full of admiration for this young girl who had grown to be his good comrade. Durand was not a "fusser," but he admired Peggy Stewart more than any girl he had ever known, and the friendship held no element of silly sentimentality. How bonny they both looked, and how strikingly alike.

Mary thoroughly approves of him, she's a fusser by nature too; she deplores his heathenism but says he has more sense than many a Christian. Soon after we came here I found him in the hall one day staring through the window, looking the picture of misery, his funny little yellow face all puckered up. He saw me out of the back of his head, truly he did, for he never turned, and tried to slip away.

I saw Aunt Elizabeth going out with Dr. Denbigh in his machine two or three times, but she's a regular fusser with men, and he's got a kind heart, so I wasn't wise to anything in that. The day Peg came home for Christmas she was singing like the blue canaries down in the parlor, and I happened to pass Aunt Elizabeth's door and she was lacing up her shoes.

"It will soon be supper time, and my aunt, where we are going to stay to-night, is quite a fusser. I sent her a card, saying we'd be there, and if we don't arrive she may call up our houses on the telephone, and imagine that all sorts of accidents have befallen us." "But we can't leave her all alone on the road," spoke Betty, indicating the child. "Don't 'eeve me!" pleaded the lost tot.

I must have left it somewhere around there." "The old fusser," murmured Andy, as he rose from the easy chair. "When Dunk goes in for anything he forgets everything else. He'd leave his head if it wasn't fastened on, or if I didn't remind him of it," and Andy felt quite a righteous glow as he began to look about for the valuable timepiece belonging to his roommate.