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"Oh, Patty!" cried Mona, as soon as they were out of hearing. "Isn't it awful! How CAN we stand having such a horrid old fusser around?" "Whoopee! Mona! moderate your language! Mrs. Parsons isn't so very old, and she isn't horrid. If she's a fusser, that's just her way, and we must politely submit to it." "Submit, nothing!

The truth was that he was no "hop-fiend" or "fusser." Except when Belle Meade was at Annapolis to go to a hop with him, Darrin had little liking for the ball. "I don't intend to hop either," Joyce continued. "Now, are you well enough up in grease to get town leave for the evening?" "Grease" means good standing on the conduct report. "Yes," nodded Dave.

Have we tried it? Let us try it." "The weather is warm, dearest." "But just to try it. I always like to satisfy myself in time." "Fusser!" she exclaimed, and ignited the stove. He gazed at it absently, then picked up a cigarette and, taking the telegram from his pocket, folded it into a spill and with it lit the cigarette. "Yes," he said meditatively. "It seems not a bad stove."

"That kind of thing is all right for Joe, of course. Joe's a natural-born 'fusser. He's never happier than when he's dolled up in a sport-shirt and a lavender scarf and toasting marshmallows. But " "Is that so?" inquired Joe with deep sarcasm. "If I was half the 'fusser' you are " "What I want," interrupted Perry, warming to his theme, "is adventure!

But Edward is such a dear old fusser. He won't be satisfied with appearances." She laughed on an indulgent note, and Juliet smiled in sympathy. "Well, you've given him good cause for that, haven't you? And you enjoyed the cruise? I am so glad you had good weather." "It was gorgeous," said Vera. "I must write and tell Lord Saltash. He has given me the time of my life.

Rose came home, and came to see Martie, and Martie dined at the Parkers'. Rodney, though obviously blind to all women but his wife, was cordial and gallant to the guest and Rose took her up to her pretty, frilly bedroom, so that Martie might take off her hat and coat, and told Martie that Rod was the neatest man she had ever seen, such a fusser about his bath and his clothes.

The saddest thing of all is the fact that back in Weeping Water there is a girl a lovely girl who will never smile again." Phew! You could just feel the feminine side of the chapel stiffen Hogboom was the worst fusser in college. He was chronically in love with no less than four girls and was devoted to dozens at a time.

James, the champion featherweight fusser of the school, followed. He carried a campchair and a hot-water bottle. Petey Simmons, five feet four in his pajamas, and Jiggs Jarley, champion catch-as-catch-can-and-hold-on-tight waltzer in college, came next.

The plow-chasers drew the prettiest girls in the class and the most accomplished fusser among the fellows usually drew a girl who would make the manager of a beauty parlor utter a sad shriek and throw up his job. Of course every one was bound in honor to take what came out of the hat. Nobody flinched and nobody renigged, but there was a lot of suppressed excitement and well-modulated regret.

"Yes," Isa replied; "and I'll leave a lighted candle for you, the ile is pretty low in the lamp. Good night, child, and don't fuss. I never saw fussing hurt any one but the fusser." Joyce rose stiffly and stood by the open door. She stretched her limbs and winced at the pain in them. Then she clasped her aching hands above her head and permitted her tired spirit one long, heavy sigh.