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"Cujus vita fulgur, ejus verba tonitrua" "if a man's life be lightning, his words will be thunders." But the kind of oratory to be obtained by a constant practice of declamation such as that which occupied the schools of the Rhetors will be a very artificial lightning and a very imitated thunder not the artillery of heaven, but the Chinese fire and rolled bladders of the stage.

=Iuno.= Iuppiter carries with him into the state-worship his female counterpart, Iuno, with his own characteristics, in a certain degree, and his own privileges. She is Lucina and Fulgura as he is Lucetius and Fulgur: white cows are her offerings as white steers are his: as the Ides are sacred to Iuppiter, so though they are not a festival are the Calends to Iuno.

Stephanorum Historia, vitas ipsorum ac libros complectens. London, 1709. Senilia was published in 1742. The line to which Johnson refers is, 'Mel, nervos, fulgur, Carteret, unus, habes, p. 101. In another line, the poet celebrates Colley Cibber's Muse the Musa Cibberi: 'Multa Cibberum levat aura. p. 50. See Macaulay's Essays, ed. 1843, i. 367.

Its width in the middle and southern states is very commonly from 100 to 150 miles. It consists, in the South, as in Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, almost exclusively of Eocene deposits; but in North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, more modern strata predominate, of the age of the English Crag and faluns of Touraine. Fulgur canaliculatus. Fusus quadricostatus, Say.