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There was one other, Gulielmo Frascuelo, who was bawling for dear life in his bunk in the forecastle, but in that dark hour no one chanced to remember him, and it needed more than a human voice to pit itself against the hurricane which roared over the vessel.

"Banderilleros" were dispensed with on this occasion, so rabid had the bull become, and Frascuelo, after a ten minutes' encounter, succeeded in killing him, amid shouts that might have been heard at Madrid, two miles off, and applauded by none more vociferously than those occupying the royal box.

Tollemache, Frascuelo, and three Chileans were engaged in a hand-to-hand fight with nearly a score of savages; the doctor could distinguish the cries of the combatants, the irregular stamping of boot-shod feet.

"Frascuelo seems to have passed an eventful day," said the little French Comte, who had been waiting anxiously for a chance to join in the conversation. "But why should he want to kill poor Mr. Boyle?" inquired Isobel, after giving the Frenchman an encouraging glance. Incidentally, she smiled at Elsie.

Compare them with the men of to-day, with your Rafael Molina, who allows himself to be gored, playing with a heifer; with your frivolous boys like Frascuelo. I have seen the ring convulsed with laughter as that buffoon strutted across the arena, flirting his muleta as a manola does her skirts, the bewildered bull not knowing what to make of it. It was enough to make Illo turn in his bloody grave.

The cook undertook to feed them, and Frascuelo, the wounded stevedore who had been discovered in a state of collapse, soon revived, and was practically able to look after himself. The others, under Walker's directions, were hard at work in the engine-room and stoke-hold, for there alone lay the chance of ultimate escape. The two sentinels conversed but little.

Now, since you and I are persons of leisure, tell me, Joey, what we shall do to make ourselves useful?" The dog was accustomed to being spoken to. He awaited developments. "It seems to me, Joey," she continued, "that Gulielmo Frascuelo is the one person on board who claims our attention. There is a mystery to be solved.

He was stunned by the fall, and were it not for Captain Courtenay's custom of having all hatches taken off and a thorough examination of the cargo made before the holds are finally battened down for the voyage, Frascuelo might now be in a tight place in more than one sense." Dr. Christobal was proud of his idiomatic English. He spoke the language with the careless freedom of a Londoner.

Captain Courtenay fired as the knife fell, otherwise our first mate would have attended his own funeral this evening." "What was the cause of the affair?" Isobel asked. "The man is not one of the ship's crew, I understand. His name is Frascuelo, and it appears that he was engaged to place some bunker coal aboard early this morning.

L. left me at the latter place, returning direct to Southampton, while I arranged to proceed through Spain and viâ Paris, home. Cadiz Custom-House Officers Spanish Courtship Marketplace Leave for Seville Jerez de la Frontera Seville Pilate's House Las Delicias Triana Madrid Bull Fighting "Espadas" A Bull Fight Frascuelo Cruelty to Horses Leave for Paris A Stormy Passage Home Again Adieu.