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You had a father: suppose this tale were about him, and some informant brought it to you, proof in hand: I am not making too high an estimate of your emotional nature when I suppose you would regret the circumstance? that you would feel the tale of frailty the more keenly since it shamed the author of your days? and that the last thing you would do would be to publish it in the religious press?

Sins of frailty and ignorance are punished only with blaming, and with compulsory continuation as learners under the law and discipline of those sciences or arts against which they have sinned. And all these things they have mutually among themselves, since they seem to be in very truth members of the same body, and one of another.

After all these, where Eudoxus, Hipparchus, Archimedes; where so many other sharp, generous, industrious, subtile, peremptory dispositions; and among others, even they, that have been the greatest scoffers and deriders of the frailty and brevity of this our human life; as Menippus, and others, as many as there have been such as he.

He told it her again, and she made a face at him. He sang her the same song, and she married a sailor who carried her far away beyond the sea. Jean wept bitterly, but he still admired beautiful things, and still blessed his life. Sometimes he thought that the frailty of what is beautiful and the brevity of what is good adds value to the beauty and goodness of all things.

There let him lament and bewail unto God his own frailty, negligence, and sloth in resisting and withstanding of temptation; his readiness and proneness to fall into it.

But terrible as was the official aspect of the sexton, and repugnant as his lank form, clothed in rusty, sable vesture, his small, frosty visage, suspicious grey eyes, and rusty, brown scratch-wig, might appear to all notions of genial frailty; it was yet true, that Bob Martin's severe morality sometimes nodded, and that Bacchus did not always solicit him in vain.

Congreve's, that my husband was so fond of that he was always singing it: Love's but a frailty of the mind, When 'tis not with ambition join'd. Love without interest makes but an unsavoury dish, in my opinion." "And pray how long hath this been your opinion?" said Amelia, smiling. "Ever since I was born," answered Mrs. Ellison; "at least, ever since I can remember."

He returned to that city where he had lorded it in his ambitious youth; lived there alone, seeing few; striving to retrieve the irretrievable; at times still grappling with that mortal frailty that had brought him down; still joying in his friend's successes; his laugh still ready but with kindlier music; and over all his thoughts the shadow of that unalterable law which he had disavowed and which had brought him low.

Thanked him for calling, but told him he needn't call again. He departed in great distress." "I hold no brief for the Reverend Tingley, Nan; but I'll be shot if your story will hold water in a world that's fairly well acquainted with the frailty of humankind. Of course I believe you and, for some fool reason, I'm not ashamed of my own intelligence in so believing. I have accepted you on faith.

Jett usually carried away with her from the table. Along about ten o'clock she was apt to feel faint rather than hungry. "Gone," she called it. "Feeling a little gone." Not that there was a suggestion of frailty about Mrs. Jett. Anything but that.