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Would not any possible opposition to him be disarmed, if he were brought in, not singly, but as one of two or three? To Lord Derby Foxholes, December 27th. To return to what you say of France.

After the fall of the Empire he entered into public life; was foreign minister and the representative of France at Berlin in 1878; was prime minister and the representative of France at the Coronation of the Tsar in 1881, and was French ambassador in London from 1883 to 1893. Sat by Errington. Forty-two people there at several tables. 26th. To Foxholes. September 10th.

I am afraid I cannot supply any more until I have been down to Foxholes, as I find I have locked up part of the MS. there; and I must now have the whole of it bound. February 3rd. I send you Trelawny's book on Shelley, and I also enclose an interesting letter from Mr. Trollope in answer to your remarks on the Cenci article. You will see he has taken pains with the subject.

I am the more grateful as all the others I have seen whether laudatory or not have all been the production of ignorant men who did not see, or of learned men who did not wish to see, any of the specialties of the book. I am better, but unfit for any work. Yours very truly, To Mr. T. Norton Longman Foxholes, April 20th.

We are going to Rutland Gate on Friday and to Foxholes on Monday, and shall remain there, except for a visit to a neighbour. I think Mr. Gladstone's Ministry a wretched affair. The old ones are worn out, and the young ones are not broken in, and bring no weight at all. The sole gratification of every one of them is absolute submission and obedience to the Chief.

I have nothing to correct or alter in the Greville Memoirs, and am glad to find that some sale of them goes on. I expect he will not survive to-day. He dined with us at The Club on April 24th, and was then very well. Sic transit. Foxholes, October 23rd. I wonder whether you are going to attend the funeral.

With the new year the party from Foxholes came to town, and there Reeve was laid up with a serious illness which lasted nearly a month. The Journal notes on February 7th 'I attended a dinner of The Club, and resigned the treasurership, which I had held for twenty-five years. A corresponding entry a month later, on March 7th, is 'At the third dinner of The Club.

The Journal has little of interest. Beyond these trivial entries, nothing except the mention of several dinner parties some 'good, some 'dull. Then, later: April 16th to May 22nd. At Foxholes. Very cold. Snow in May. June 8th. Dinner at Lord Carnarvon's. Sir R. and Lady Wallace, Lord Salisbury, Lady Portsmouth. 15th. Splendid house. 21st. Dinner at home.

Went to Exeter with Christine; 8th, to Chagford and Dartmoor; 10th, back to Foxholes. 29th. To Holyhead and Penrhos with Christine. Bad weather at Penrhos; gout in hand came on. October 2nd. To Knowsley; Lord Lyons there. 6th. To London and Foxholes. Christine went on to Chesters. On the 20th, Mrs. Ogilvie came from Scotland. November 2nd, James Watney died. From Count Vitzthum

Larks' Hall, Foxholes, Bearwood, the Vicarage of Mosely, and their outlying acquaintances, their yeomen and their labourers, lived as old-fashioned and hearty a life as if the battle of Sedgemoor had never been fought.