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She grew perhaps a shade paler, and she glanced out into the street, where her four-wheeler cab, laden with luggage, was still waiting. "Sir John of course disapproves of me," she remarked slowly. "Sir John is a man of the world," her aunt answered coldly. "He naturally does not wish for connexions which are I do not wish to hurt you feelings, Anna, but I must say it not altogether desirable."

When next they came to close quarters with the four-wheeler it was leisurely driving away empty from a small semi-detached house which was separated from the road by a tiny garden. They ran into the garden. The one thing that flourished in it was a 'To Let' notice. The front-door, shaded by unpruned trees, was shut, and there were cobwebs on the handle, as Hugo plainly saw when he struck a match.

"For our business talk, perhaps, it would be better if you would come to St. James's House at, say, 10:30, if that is convenient. I will send a carriage." "I'll be ready prompt," Mr. Bullsom declared. "Now, girls, we will say good-afternoon to his lordship and get a four-wheeler." Selina raised her eyes and dropped them again in the most approved fashion. Mr.

We trooped out on to the pavement, beside which a four-wheeler was drawn up, and as the others were entering the cab, Thorndyke stood close beside me for a moment. "Don't let him pump you," he said in a low voice, without looking at me; then he sprang into the cab and slammed the door.

But once again the man made his escape and it seemed this time that it was for good. There was a four-wheeler standing near the curb, into which the fellow plunged, and the driver, without a word, gave his two rusty blacks the whip and away they dashed. Jim was just in time to see the dwarf jump into the coupé.

He is no good for the hansom I drive, for when folks take a hansom, they want to drive like the wind. But for a four-wheeler that takes families and their luggage, he's the very horse. I bought him cheap and I'll sell him cheap." "Oh, I don't want him," said Diamond's father. "Well, come and see him anyway," said his friend. So he went.

The Lion and the Unicorn were rather ashamed of the scandal of it, and they were glad when, one day, the Captain went away with his tin boxes and gun-cases piled high on a four-wheeler. Prentiss stood on the sidewalk and said: "I wish you good luck, sir." And the Captain said: "I'm coming back a Major, Prentiss." But he never came back.

To come home at eight o'clock in the morning!" cried Mrs. Grivois: "it is perfectly incredible!" "See my lady? Why, you came to see her!" and Georgette burst out into fits of laughter: and then said: "Oh! I understand! you wish to out-do my story of the four-wheeler last night! It is very neat of you!" "I repeat," said Mrs. Grivois, "that I have this moment seen " "Oh! adone, Mrs.

The wind was rising and bringing the cold rain down in a fierce slant, and the first thing I did was to crawl to the lee side of the overturned four-wheeler, which lay wheels upward, securely wedged into a hollow. There was a little hillock, against one side of which it had rested, which was free from the prickly furze, and, all things considered, made no bad resting-place.

Chiffers as to the amount due, that lady having ideas upon the subject which did more credit to her imagination than her arithmetic. The bill was settled at last, and the little party standing on the steps waited for the return of Miss Chiffers, who had been dispatched for a four-wheeler. "Oh, what about your luggage, Fred?" enquired Miss Tipping, suddenly.