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They used to ask him to stay all night, but he always said 'he didn't like to leave his men. He made it a practice on the road. When we got within a fortnight's drive of Adelaide, he rode in and lived at one of the best hotels.

"There are no waggons in the ports, and we cannot get the coal delivered," exclaimed the importers. "The country is threatened with general paralysis," wrote the Journal; "we can neither forward nor sell anything." The railway administration asked for a fortnight's notice, then for three weeks and finally an indefinite period, before it could provide a single truck.

"The Count, who is lying low in a small hotel in Düsseldorf, wants you to meet him with the car in Turin in a fortnight's time at the Hotel Europe. A Russian princess is staying there and we have a plan. But it seems very probable that you'll be waiting extradition to Bow Street if you don't make a bold move, and slip out of Dyer's hands." "Yes," I said thoughtfully.

Then, for the first time, I made acquaintance with my squire for the nonce "Alick" he was called; I cannot remember his surname he had a rugged, honest face, and a manner to match; but I was rather disconcerted at hearing that he knew no more of riding or stable work than he had picked up in a fortnight's irregular practice in an establishment where horses as well as men were taught to "rough it" in good earnest.

I bade an affectionate farewell to Zoe, and I trust Stein will be still busily engaged at La Bassee when I return in a fortnight's time! I am greatly obliged to Karl for the introduction, and told him so; he himself is running after a little grass widow whose husband has been missing for some months.

We got home just before dusk, had a supper of bread and milk and coffee, and retired to bed as soon as I had prepared the sponge for baking. We have started school again after a fortnight's holiday. It is a hot, close day, about the hottest we have had; one comfort is the houses are cool. It is such a pleasure to see the cattle looking so different, really beginning to be in good condition.

Why, I have heard you say she returns her value every two years. So that they might well have gone without a fortnight's earnings without murmuring." "I don't suppose they would have murmured, Ned, for they are all good friends of mine, and always seem well pleased with what I do for them.

And I remembered the similar advice which, out of the plenitude of my youthful wisdom, I had offered to Alresca only a few days before. "The fact is that I have signed a contract to sing 'Carmen' at the Paris Opéra Comique in a fortnight's time. I have never sung the rôle there before, and I am, or rather I was, very anxious to do so.

The good people of the house, who had known Harry Ormond from a child, and who were exceedingly fond of him, as all the poor people in the neighbourhood were, said every thing they could think of upon this occasion to comfort him, and reiterated about a hundred times their prophecies, that Moriarty would be as sound and good a man as ever in a fortnight's time.

Green as a skilled Fisheries Inspector, knew what he was about, and he was empowered to lend nets, where advisable, to the Aran beginners. Away they went to sea, to start with a fortnight's heart-breaking luck. The water in those regions was cold, and the fish were amusing themselves elsewhere.