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Bray always amused him; his whole outlook on life was so exactly like his footer. But for once Gordon found him dull. Morcombe was so much more interesting. In second hall that evening Gordon discovered from a House list that Morcombe was in the Army class. He consulted Foster on the subject. "Know anything about a lad called Morcombe?" "Yes; he is in the Army class. Rather a fool. Why?"

"Well, then," continued the other, "I scrambled oh to these two chaps' shoulders, and looked over the top of the door. We could hear some of the Philistines knocking about on the gravel, and I saw there were about half a dozen of them playing footer with a tennis-ball. I shouted out, 'Hullo! Good-afternoon! They all stood still in a moment, and young Noaks cried, 'Why, it's a Birchite!

"Is she not a noble bird, fair son?" he asked, glancing up as her shadow fell upon him. "She is indeed, sire. Surely no finer ever came from the isles of the north." "Perhaps not, and yet I have had a hawk from Barbary as good a footer and a swifter flyer. An Eastern bird in yarak has no peer." "I had one once from the Holy Land," said de Manny.

After the Carthusian match there was but one topic, or to be strictly accurate, perhaps, two topics of interest in the school who would be cock-house at footer and who would get the Perry Exhibition.

I was in good footer training long before I started to get fit for Aldershot. But I think I ought to get along fairly well. Any idea who's in against us? 'Harrow, Felsted, Wellington. That's all, I think. 'St Paul's? 'No. 'Good. Well, I hope your first man mops you up. I've a conscientious objection to scrapping with you. Allen laughed.

But one day FitzMorris turned up on parade in a pair of footer shorts, a straw hat, and a First Eleven blazer. He was a bit of a nut, and finding his clothes gone, went on strangely garbed, merely out of curiosity to see what would happen. A good deal did happen. As soon as the corps was dismissed there was a clothes inspection.

It was a twelve footer of bulky dimensions, heavy wood not thoroughly seasoned. Yet he did not approach one end of it. He laid his immense hands on the center of it. Old Bridewell chuckled to himself softly as he watched; he was beginning to feel that the big stranger was a little simple-minded. His chuckling ceased when he saw the timber cant over on one edge.

In thirty-five seconds they have got it down to that the cards and markers are hidden; and the four of 'em are jawing away about footer." "All the same," said John, obstinately, "Warde will be too much for 'em." "Oh, rot!" said the Caterpillar.

His existence just now was not very pleasant. If he had been good at footer all his domestic failings would have been forgiven him. But he was not; he loathed the game, though at times he would have given anything to be of some use. Strangely enough, at Oxford he found people respected his brains, and no one hated him because he could not drop goals from the twenty-five.

Some provisions must soon be made and the regulations as to dock lengths revised. The thousand footer may be here in a couple of years or so. In the meantime the two 840 footers are already on the stocks at Belfast and are expected to arrive early in 1911. Before they come changes and improvements must be made in the docking and harbor facilities of the port of New York.