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We play footer in the afternoon, we have gym. at all hours of the day, and other experiments in voluntary compulsion, such as puntabouts after breakfast. The result is we work at our play, and play at our work...." He elaborated the scheme in an amusing way. There was a lot of laughter. "The Bull" looked fierce.

This is a sad thing for an old rangeman to contemplate, but it is nevertheless the simple truth. Soon the merry crack of the six Footer will no more be heard in the land, its wild and woolly manipulator being driven across the last divide, with faint show of resistance, by an unassuming granger and his all-conquering hoe.

"There's no reason to suspect him at all, as far as I can see. I don't know much about him, bar the fact that he can't play footer for nuts, but I've never heard anything against him. Have you?" "I scarcely know him myself. He isn't liked in Seymour's, I believe." "Well, anyhow, this can't be his work." "That's what I said."

But what an unpleasant quarter of an hour I shall have with Harry!" As a new boy, John slaved at "footer," and displayed a curious inaptitude for squash racquets. At all games Caesar and Scaife were precociously proficient. John's clumsiness annoyed them.

His supply of pluck was inexhaustible, and physically he was as hard as nails. 'Is your ankle all right again, now? he asked. 'Pretty well. It wasn't much of a sprain. Interfered with my training a good bit, though. I ought by rights to be well under eleven stone. You're all right, I suppose? 'Not bad. Boxing takes it out of you more than footer or a race.

Morcombe had come late; had made little mark at either footer or cricket; and had drifted into the Army class, where, owing to private tuition and extra hours, he found himself somewhat "out of it" in the House. In hall he used to sit at the top of the day-room table. Gordon very rarely took hall.

I wish I could shunt into some other House. Between Ward and the Mutual life here isn't worth living. 'There's Merevale's, now, said Vaughan. 'I wish I was in there. In the first place you've got Merevale. He gets as near perfection as a beak ever does. Coaches the House footer and cricket, and takes an intelligent interest in things generally. Then there are some decent fellows in Merevale's.

Was at school with him, as a matter of fact. Fellow named Foster. But I expect you know him, too, don't you? By name, at any rate. He wrote your brother's show." Sally's heart jumped. "Oh! Did you meet Gerald Foster?" "Ran into him one night at the theatre." "And you were really at school with him?" "Yes. He was in the footer team with me my last year."

"A bit, perhaps." "Well, I hope you won't get the footer cup, because I want it for Blackburn's. Or the cricket cup. I want that, too. But you can have the sports' cup with my blessing." "Thanks," said Kennedy. "It's very generous of you." "Don't mention it," said Jimmy. From which conversation it will be seen that Kay's was gradually pulling itself together. It had been asleep for years.

It was no good fighting a draw with Walton if he meant to impress the house. He knew exactly what Rumour, assisted by Walton, would make of the affair in that case. "Have you heard the latest?" A would ask of B. "Why, Kennedy tried to touch Walton up for not playing footer, and Walton went for him and would have given him frightful beans, only they had to go down to tea."