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On seeing us, he enquired who we were, where we had come from, and in what direction we were going. We told him without hesitation. "I guess the old hoss will go with you some of the way," he said. "Tell Master Praeger that Ben Folkard will pay him a visit before long, I can't say when. He knows me, and he knows when I say I'll do a thing I intend to do it."

Charley was certain, therefore, that Black Eagle so the chief was called would not return to his people; and that, should we be able to discover his trail, we should find him protected with only a small band, with whom it would not be difficult to deal. The first thing was to discover the trail, and Folkard, Long Sam, and Pierre set out for the purpose.

Around this poplar, says Mr. Folkard, "symbolising the greatest solar ascension and the decline which follows it, the crowd dance, and sing an appropriate refrain;" and he further mentions that, at the commencement of the Franco-German War, he saw sprigs of pine stuck on the railway carriages bearing the German soldiers into France.

Folkard mentions a curious superstition which exists in the neighbourhood of Orleans, where a seventh son without a daughter intervening is called a Marcon. It is believed that, "the Marcon's body is marked somewhere with a Fleur-de-Lis, and that if a patient suffering under king's-evil touch this Fleur-de-Lis, or if the Marcon breathe upon him, the malady will be sure to disappear."