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Peter fell in love, wrote poetry, witnessed a "mill" at the Fives-Court, and became the Laureate of the Ring. "The difficult and ravaging hand" there is a style for you! Reynolds has himself the enthusiasm of his hero; let us remember that Homer, Virgil, and Theocritus have all described spirited rallies with admiration and good taste.

It consists of twelve large class-rooms, seven or eight of which were used by the British officers as dormitories and one as a dining-room; a large lecture-hall, which served as an improvised fives-court; and a well-fitted gymnasium.

At length many of the parents, pleased with the improvement so visible in the young people, got a habit of dropping in, that they might learn how to instruct their own families; and it was observed that as the school filled, not only the fives-court and public houses were thinned, but even Sunday gossipping and tea-visiting declined.

Most of the men were at the band-stand in the public gardens from the Club verandah you could hear the native Police band hammering stale waltzes or on the polo-ground, or in the high-walled fives-court, hotter than a Dutch oven. Half a dozen grooms, squatted at the heads of their ponies, waited their masters' return.

'Are we going to stay here? asked Gudrun. 'I was only resting a minute, said Ursula, getting up as if rebuked. 'We will stand in the corner by the fives-court, we shall see everything from there. For the moment, the sunshine fell brightly into the churchyard, there was a vague scent of sap and of spring, perhaps of violets from off the graves. Some white daisies were out, bright as angels.

Most of the men were at the band-stand in the public gardens from the Club verandah you could hear the native Police band hammering stale waltzes or on the polo-ground, or in the high-walled fives-court, hotter than a Dutch oven. Half a dozen grooms, squatted at the heads of their ponies, waited their masters' return.

The sheath of the sword, like the shield of Achilles, is carved, in exquisitely fine miniature, with scenes from the common life of the period; a dance at Almack's a boxing match at the Fives-court, a lord mayor's procession, and a man hanging. All these are fully and elegantly described. The Duke thus armed hastens to Brussels.

Most of the men were at the bandstand in the public gardens from the Club verandah you could hear the native Police band hammering stale waltzes or on the polo-ground or in the high-walled fives-court, hotter than a Dutch oven. Half a dozen grooms, squatted at the heads of their ponies, waited their masters' return.

What's the matter? what have you done to your mouth?" "Why, I've had a beastly row with Noaks. I'll 'tell you after school." "No, tell me now," cried Diggory, pulling his companion aside into a corner by the door. "Quick what was it?" "Why, he pounced down on Mugford, out there by the fives-court, and began twisting his arm and saying he'd pay him out for that paint-pot business.

In another minute he was in the passage again, with the trap-door bolted behind him. He now asked himself what should he do with them? He must find a safe place, or his labours would have been in vain. Behind the fives-court, he thought, would be the spot. Nobody ever went there.