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"We've had a lovely picnic!" called Patty; "I wish you had been with us!" "You didn't ask me!" smiled Ivory, picking up Waitstill's mending-basket from the nook in the trees where she had hidden it for safe-keeping. "We've played games, Ivory," cried the boy. "Patty made them up herself. First we had the 'Landing of the Pilgrims, and Waitstill made believe be the figurehead of the Mayflower.

Gradually he learned to control others to do this he learned to control his temper, when control was useful, but he was always able to make diplomatic use of his rage a faculty ever helpful in the conduct of one's life! In fact, it is difficult to determine whose genius was greater Wolsey's as the diplomatist and administrator, or Henry's as the man of action, the figurehead of the State.

"I know what Mr. Bangs has had to stand from him." "Yes; but Mr. Ranny's never mean. He is one of the kindest, nicest gentlemen I ever met up with. But he can't stand being nagged at all the time, and he feels that he don't count for anything. He says Mr. Bangs considers him a figurehead, and that he'd rather be selling shoestrings for himself than be in partnership with him."

If the two vessels resemble each other so closely, a sight of the Foam will be of great service to me in my search after the Avenger." "You are most welcome to a sight of my craft," replied Gascoyne. "The only difference between the two is, that the figurehead of the pirate is a griffin's head, painted scarlet, that of my schooner is a female, painted white.

Damiens was but a thick-witted, superstitious valet, who, more or less persecuted by the noble employers with whom he had been in service at various times, sought to avenge himself, not on them, but on their king, as the figurehead of all that was rotten in the social hierarchy.

Yes, the outside of her figurehead was mighty hard to beat, everybody said so; but the inside was kind of well, kind of rattly, as you might say. She'd laugh and talk and go on and Ed Farmer he'd hang over the desk there in the office and look at her. Just look and look and look. How many times I've seen 'em that way! It got so that folks begun to talk a little mite.

He raised his hands questioningly, appealingly. "You," replied the older soldier calmly, "are the King." "Yes," Karyl caught up the words almost before they had fallen from the lips of the other. "Yes, I am the King. I am the miserable, gilded figurehead out on the prow, which serves no end and no purpose. I am the ornamental symbol of a system which the world is discarding!

When they are quite certain, they are quite wrong; and when they are doubtful, they incline to the wrong conclusion. This is a very strange coincidence, Dr. Thorndyke. Can you explain it?" Thorndyke's face, which throughout the proceedings had been as expressionless as that of a wooden figurehead, now relaxed into a dry smile. "I think I can, my lord," he replied.

A few hours' acquaintance had proved Mrs Wolff to be a mere figurehead of a chaperon, and Ruth shrewdly suspected that her very weakness had been the attraction in Mr Farrell's eyes, since, in consequence, she would be less likely to hinder that display of character and self-will which it was his object to study.

I pulled the trigger the instant that I had the man covered, and down he dropped, motionless, the ponderous tiller escaping from his grasp and swinging heavily back amidships, with the result that the junk, which was already coming to, at once fell off again at the precise instant when her whole starboard broadside burst into flame and smoke, the missiles luckily passing just ahead of us and very considerably damaging our figurehead, but doing no worse injury.