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Pending the time when it should see fit to do so, I was stopping at a boarding house on West Fifty-Seventh Street. It has been my observation that practically everybody who comes to New York stops for a while in a boarding house on West Fifty-Seventh Street.

Canning had only just completed his fifty-seventh year when his career came to a close. He died before his old friend and colleague whose sudden illness had left open to him the place of Prime Minister, for Lord Liverpool did not die until December 4 of the following year.

From Fifty-seventh Street to Peter's rooms was a matter of four miles. Peter had not half finished his thematic treatment of Leonore when he reached his quarters. He sat down before his fire, however, and went on, not with hope of exhausting all possible variations, but merely for his own pleasure. Finally, however, he rose and put photographs, rose, and card away.

He had spent many years in Paris, was a talented physician, and under American rule served for more than seven years as a member of the Philippine Commission. Taylor, 55 AJ. Taylor, 26 AJ. Senate Documents, Vol. 25, Fifty-seventh Congress, First Session, p. 2969. Senate Documents, Vol. 25, pp. 2931-2932. Senate Documents, Vol. 25, p. 2956. Ibid., p. 2966. Ibid., p. 2966.

He looks at the pictures as if thoughtfully, but without animation. Well, we have now covered, in an elementary way, about every important species of art show, except one, the most human perhaps of all, that held annually on Fifty-seventh Street. We should hardly have time to go up there to-day. I'll tell you about it. There are several reasons why this exhibition is the most human perhaps of all.

Fifty-fifth, Fifty-sixth, Fifty-seventh the square in front of the Plaza that tall chopped bulky tower lit from within like a model in a toyshop window motors purring up to its door like thin dark cats, motors purring away.

These were the times that Astor waited for, and it was in such times that he stepped in and possessed himself, at comparatively small expense, of large additional tracts of land. It was this way that he became the owner of what was then the Cosine farm, extending on Broadway from Fifty-third to Fifty-seventh streets and westward to the Hudson River.

"I'm behind the curtain, so I can't see anything," said a voice from a doorway, "and therefore you needn't jump; but I wish to inquire if you two want any breakfast?" A few days later Peter again went up the steps of the Fifty-seventh Street house. This practice was becoming habitual with Peter; in fact, so habitual that his cabby had said to him this very day, "The old place, sir?"

But Li Hung Chang did not pay the hostelry the compliment of relying on its cuisine, preferring the services of his own Chinese cooks. The day after his arrival the Ambassador was received by President Cleveland at the home of ex-Secretary of the Navy William C. Whitney, Fifth Avenue and Fifty-seventh Street.

Captain Waterhouse and two lieutenants being wounded, Lieutenant Fitch, by order of Major Taylor, retired to the river with the two pieces that were saved sound. The Fifty-seventh and Seventy-seventh Ohio being now assailed on the flank by Wood's advance, fell back in disorder.